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    Friday, September 25, 2020

    NBA 2K 420 vc per game

    NBA 2K 420 vc per game

    420 vc per game

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    It do be like that

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    2k Youtubers are getting out of hand with their captions

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I tried being the Knicks savior, I give up.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Stop adding music with 600 swear words!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Please 2k stop adding music with constant swear words, do you think anyone really wants to listen to 15 consecutive seconds of dead air then 5 words because you choose songs with constant curses... "Red Eye" is a great example

    submitted by /u/dakidz23
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    I found out what pro contact dunks are not bad at all

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    I Caved and bought VC for the first time in 2k...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Ugh...I feel dirty that the predatory tactics worked on me. Please take into account that I am a 40 year old man, who has sworn against and held off buying ANY MT's or virtual currency in any game. But last night it worked. I reached into the wallet and stumped up 20 euro worth of VC,

    Now your boy did have a few beers, but this is not an excuse. I felt COMPELLED t o for 2 reasons. The first being, I had just come off NBA 2K20 where I grinded to the lofty heights of Pro and an OVR 80, and people were actually starting to stay on the spot with me in the park.

    Last night, I got impatient at the thought of the grind in my career and working my way back up to a semi decent OVR. Plus....THAT DAMN BROWN SHIRT!!! God it is ugly and it is basically a signal flare in the park that you are a newb and people will avoid you like a piece of s**t, i am convinced they chose brown on purpose for this reason.

    My wandering point is this. The park is designed to make you feel like you are back in school again. You are constantly trying to keep up with the cool kids, not wear crap clothes lest people not team up with you. Constantly being on edge if people deem you "not cool enough" to play a game of ball with. And sometimes it feels crap. This is all by design and I HAAAAAATE that i caved and fell for it.

    submitted by /u/TheOrigin1980
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    Best/Most Popular Jumpshot Animations

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    Just like everyone else, I've been hunting for good jump shooting Sigs. I've done a bit of research and found a few that are better than most.

    If I missed something then let me know and I can add it.

    Few notes:

    • When I refer to green% I'm talking about the % of shots you green when you time it perfectly
    • When I refer to white% I'm talking about the % of shots that go in when you time it perfectly but it isn't a green
    • The green window is effectively the window in which you can green a shot
    • High green% shots generally have low white%. Same goes for the reverse, where high white% shots have low green%.
    • Jumpshots have roughly half the green window that they did last year. Also, there's a much bigger emphasis on higher rated shooters
    • A mid rated shooter has a 80 3

    Jump Shots

    I have a 2kLab subscription and will be going off of the stats there. I won't go too in depth on the specifics out of fairness to them. I'd highly recommend checking out their YouTube channel and checking out the free content they have on their site. It might also go unsaid, but the content they provide is definitely worth a 1-2 month subscription at least (8 bucks/month)

    So, just like 2k20, only the base of the jump shot matters. The upper release is whatever feels most comfortable for you.

    Jumpshot 62 - great for high rated shooters, better than average for mid rated shooters. Pretty much a better 98 in all aspects except for speed

    Wade - most used jumper in the game, above average in all aspects but not the best at anything. No stats on mid rated shooters, so can't speak to that.

    Set Shot 24 - best jumper for big men by the stats. High green %, big green window.

    Curry - pretty good jumper for any build. One of the better shots for mid rated shooters. Higher white% shot, and especially so with 80 3 ball. Biggest downside is speed

    Parker - Comparable to Curry, but is better in a few ways (Faster + bigger green window). Not great for mid rated shooters.

    Jumpshot 98 - Very average across the board. Only place it is above average is in the speed. It's a high green% shot. But, this jumpshot is outclassed by 62 and Wade IMO

    Burke - This jumper is great for mid rated shooters. High green%. Has one of the bigger green windows for a 80 rated 3 ball. Not amazing for high rated 3s, as it has a smaller green window.

    Chriss - Another great jumper for mid rated shooters. Has a higher green% but also has a decent white%. Very big green window. However, not a great jumper for high rated shooters as the green window is smaller and there's a almost nonexistent chance you'll hit a white.

    Dribble Pull-ups

    These shots are great to add to your arsenal to prevent your defender from camping paint and closing out on you when you get a open 3pt shot. It also helps keep your defender honest if their big is camping paint and are a counter to your defender giving you the Harden treatment (i.e. playing you to your strong side).

    I'm going to speak to feel here, as I don't have any stats to back this up

    Athletic 2 - The MJ/Kobe package. Has a great set of midrange pull-ups, and is one of the most used pull ups. Not great for shooting off the dribble 3s. Timings are somewhat inconsistent, but very easy to learn as they have great cues. Has a few pull-ups that are hard to green, but they're easy to avoid.

    Curry - Likely the best shot for shooting fading 3s. Has a nice feel to it, and the timings are very close. Doesn't feel to me like I'm greening all of the shots I should be when I use this. But, has some good, quick animations.

    Barnes - Looks the smoothest. Has decent midrange and 3pt pull-ups. Not the fastest, however, so it's easier to close out on. But, in general, is average-above average in most aspects

    Athletic 3 - The Tyceno pull-up. Has some amazing animations and is fast enough. Easily greenable as well

    Spin Jumpers

    These shots are a good counter when your defender is expecting a pullup from you. There's also a few animations that are worth using on their own.

    Again, just going to speak to feel

    Normal 2 - MJ/Kobe spin jumper. Has some good animations in it, and works pretty well online when getting to your shots. It's easy to get used to as there's a good bit of visual cues

    Curry - Probably the most used spin jumper. Very consistent with the timings, pretty much all of the animations look the same. But, it's very slow and won't visually throw off your opponents.

    Normal 9 - Tyceno's spin jumper. This one looks great, and works well in the park. Also very easy to green, as it has some of the best cues.

    Hop Jumpers

    Another great counter to a defender expecting fades from you. Also a very viable way to get easy midrange buckets in general.

    Speaking to feel here again. Also, I am not going to include dribbling in my judgement because I am not a dribbler.

    Burke - Looks pretty wonky, but has good animations. Gets a lot of space, and can be very unexpected when used properly. Not great for 3s, but has a great assortment of 2s. Worth a note that you don't green a lot with this shot

    Harden - Only on here because it has the step back in it. Is average in the midrange, but has a good assortment of 3pt hops. I do want to add that's it's VERY hard to green the Harden step back, but is unguardable if you can.

    Curry - pretty much average-above average across the board. Has some good 3pt animations, and can be easy to green. But, below average at creating separation IMO

    Normal 18 - Tyceno's hop jumper. Has some great animations that create A LOT of separation. Also has some good step back 3 pointers. It is about average in the green cue department, but makes up for that with the separation it creates

    submitted by /u/get-tilted
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    I don't want to hear complaints about 7'3 post hooks if you're hitting fading threes, contested mid ranges, and running with a 6'9 big. Not even from my favorite 2k Youtuber

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    2K hates PC players

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I don't get why we can't get more patches like the consoles do. I get that they make more money from them but we still paid $60 just like everyone else.

    I play on a really good PC on a SSD and V-sync on. I'm still getting a lot of screen tearing. Can they at least optimize the game for us? I've already hit up Ronnie and Mike Wang on Twitter but still nothing.

    We still haven't even gotten the patch that the consoles received on September 14.

    Can anyone please forward this message to them?


    submitted by /u/blessredy
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    I swear I didn’t mean to finally started learning how to dribble and accidentally taught myself this in mycourt. i decided to try it in park and well...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Scrap the pie chart system

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    2ND year in a row forcing us to use the garbage pie chart system.

    The pie chart system is horrible in so many ways, especially this year mainly because it constantly enforces a meta. You are literally putting yourself at a disadvantage making anything outside of a select few builds.

    Instead of this pie chart BS, let players allocate their attribute points however THEY want to allocate them.

    In other words, if I want my three at a 99, let me do that at the cost of other attributes. Let me decide what I want my build to do. I'm tired of this preset BS that bottlenecks you into playing one type of way.

    submitted by /u/InsomniacLive
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    Round 1 of playoffs, game 4.. i put up 103 points to beat the thunder by 7. The games ends, I get my badge upgrades then the game drops. Nothing saved

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    So lame! Chris Paul, Steven Adams and gallin-farti have been on unreal the past 2 games.

    submitted by /u/Waste_Extent_8414
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    A guide to making a 2k21 viral youtube jumpshot video

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Step 1) All caps in your title

    Step 2) start out with "what up youtube it's your boy _____ back with another _____!"

    Step 3) 13 minute video(3 minute introduction, 7 minutes of park highlights, 2.5 mins of talking about jumper, 30 seconds closing of jumper)

    Step 4) blare some music in the background to edited clips of green light jumpers

    Step 5) repeat after the next patch with new jumper

    submitted by /u/mywifiisbadtho
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    It just didn't load..

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    What the hell... how this is go in?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    The Meta is a broken flawed system

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    Meta builds ruin the game... like everyone was complaining a week ago about the shooting but it's honestly worse in this game now... I can't fucking stand the picks and steal button and how Much it competely can take you out of a play... and then you just have the greasy ass fucking kids with the annoying ass dribble glitches and screen dancing hit 3s automatically because all it takes now is holding your analog stick in one spot and it's automatic... this game fucking stinks... STAMINA IS POINTLESS

    Also I am so sick of Badges, intimidator needs to be turned down by 1000, like you literally can't go in the paint with out a crazy meta slash build, fouls are insane in this game, they just do not get called, steals are the dumbest thing ever like it's so glitchy all you Have to do is double someone with clamps, it's just such a flawed game and it's infuriating.

    submitted by /u/Jetsfan4444
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    As the PC community is not getting the "Next Gen version" until 2k22, at least we should get some love with the updates, as we are still in 1.01 patch

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    As I watch NBA content on YouTube etc., Everybody on console is on the 1.02 patch, while PC players not only are not getting an option to upgrade to Next Gen, but we are always the last one to update. The PC community is mistreated and forgotten by 2K, and it will be nice from them to at least have the release of new updates for current gen PC the same day as consoles. Also I'm fearing that once Next Gen 2k21 kick in, current gen is going to be forgotten completely, letting us PC players with a game version that looks like a Beta. I would like to hear the opinion of other PC players as well as console players, Ty in advance.

    submitted by /u/Sergi097
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    Anyone know how to fix this???(Xbox)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Forcing wins in MyLeague can lead to some... interesting results, let's say

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I don’t think this is what they mean when they tell you to “keep your eyes on the ball”

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Triple Threat Online wins counting as a loss.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Has anyone else experienced winning a Triple Threat Online match and it registering as a loss? It just happened to me twice in a row.

    submitted by /u/RynF0rTheWin
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    Floor and Ceiling

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Where are kenny ernie and shaq? This game is just worse than 2K20 daylight robbery got it on switch

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    If anyone actually got it on the switch how yall feel about it. I have a ps4 too just wanted a portable 2k.

    submitted by /u/Anugrah2000
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