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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    NBA 2K r/NBA2K 2021 Clean Slate Opportunity (for user flair/ban history)

    NBA 2K r/NBA2K 2021 Clean Slate Opportunity (for user flair/ban history)

    r/NBA2K 2021 Clean Slate Opportunity (for user flair/ban history)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:43 PM PST

    r/NBA2K 2021 Clean Slate Opportunity (for user flair/ban history)


    This is an opportunity for users with ban history to request a clean slate. A clean slate means you will no longer be tagged as a user with ban history and your user flair will be updated. This is not for users with active bans to appeal your ban. Ban history is important for user flair, giveaways, and other things.

    We're looking to make sure you understand why you were banned, otherwise you'll inevitably do the same thing again. If you think you're eligible, fill out this form by January 31.

    This was well-received last year so let's try it again, Happy New Year!

    submitted by /u/yyy2k
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    Is anybody else tired of animations where these freak athletes act like they’ve never seen a �� before? The pass is late but why isn’t that a catch instead of a walrus trying to grab a firehouse?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    Idk what I started but shout out to people here (th00zt)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Why Is Shooting From Deep Easier Than Making A Layup?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:33 PM PST

    Okay so I know I discussed passing as a problem the other day, but 2k always continues to amaze me with its backwards logic. Why is it that my character (A Slasher) has more trouble making a slightly contested layup than somebody pulling up from halfcourt? I see people green half-court threes almost every other game sometimes even with hands in their face, but if someone is within 5ft of my character when he's taking a layup he just throws up some complete garbage. I don't understand.... Even Steph Curry, the best shooter of all time shoots like 50% on a good night, but in 2k you have people shooting 9/10 from three and 3/10 from anywhere inside the paint. How do you guys feel about inside scoring in this game? how do you feel about shooting? I just feel 2k is making shooting more overpowered lately especially when you see what they've done to inside scoring.

    submitted by /u/VictorHardacrea2i
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    (BUG) I got to shoot 3 free throws, and the 2 one changed the camera angle to where I cannot see my player.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:51 PM PST

    PSA to my rec squad

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    Unguarbable James Harden behind the back step back. (In game as promised)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:28 PM PST

    NBA2k21 input lag

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:55 PM PST

    Hi all, I recently joined Xbox live gold to play online multiplayer nba2k. But I found the input lag is sooooo seriously bad. But sometimes my opponent does not seem so - lots of times I feel them move faster and can do lots of perfect shots. Is that just me or they are just too good and adjust their shot timing a bit earlier and get used to it? But it does not explain how they control the players moving smoothly without lag...I am confused...

    submitted by /u/victor_yky
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    That funny Park moment when....

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:52 PM PST

    An Elite III joins your squad, just to tell you you're trash, and make emotes taunting you, then joins up with a Superstar III, and they get dropped off by 2 All-Star II's right in front of you. Man, I love this game!

    Moments I wish I knew how to screen record because karma works quick!

    submitted by /u/Leek2-23
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    in 2K20 the game stops counting 3pts after 1023 made a season.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:35 AM PST

    No more 6’7 PF posts

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:34 AM PST

    Can we PLEASE agree to just stop posting screen shots of your 6'7 min weight PF? I promise you you'll do just fine with or without your 88th badge point. Make a damn build for you not just one you see everyone else using it. I understand 2k shouldn't have made a build that was this unbalanced but are your really that insecure in your ability you need to make your player based on exploiting the game and not just how you like to play?

    submitted by /u/Omcikus1320
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    The City is boring

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:59 PM PST

    I picked up 2k21 for the ps5 on Christmas. Since I started playing it the only fun I had in the city was grinding the warehouse challenges and finding those NPC's. It only took me a few days to complete them but I have no incentive or motivation to care for the city after that. I play Rec Center or Park with friends but the design feels lacking. In my opinion I think the city should've been smaller or had more challenges to do on your own. What changes would you like to see?

    submitted by /u/Flashfriends
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    Houston Rockets Jersey Redesign

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Where is Mike Wang?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:34 AM PST

    Serious question. Where is he at? Have the devs officially abandoned this broken game this year? I'm referring to next gen of course. But this is one of the worst, most unbalanced, arcadey games they have ever released. To me, it seems like they've given up. Anyone else know anything?

    submitted by /u/Newtoreddit112233
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    What is the perfect release setting on next gen?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I have mine set to electric btw.

    submitted by /u/kelel20
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    Y'all definitely get way better "pack luck" than me,I'm doomed,a jinx for 2k.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:57 AM PST


    Spent 810k vc,open 6 boxes for PD Kobe,and...

    The highest rated players I got : 2 diamond.


    Spent 405k vc,open 3 boxes for GO Jimmy,and...

    The highest rated players I got : 1 diamond.


    Spent 675k vc,open 5 boxes for GO AD,and thought to myself that all the vc I've spent,my time should come this time...

    The highest rated players I got :1 diamond.


    I mean,literally...

    submitted by /u/Randeemm
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    The Tireless Defender Badge is an OP badge that improves your defense drastically

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:15 PM PST

    I run two builds. One is a maxed badge 99 Skilled Paint Beast with no shooting and a 90 Overall 2 Way Slashing Playmaker.

    They both CANT shoot as I didnt add or upgrade their shooting at all and I've never gravitated to those type of builds that shoot lights out.

    I created myplayers with the purpose of being quick, playing elite defense, dunking, grabbing boards and playmaking to win games. I love my builds because I am a huge pest on the court racking close to 3 to 5 five steals a game and grabbing boards about 5 to 10 a game. To me this more fun than having a c+ grade with 18 points.

    I don't run with a team and primarily run with randoms 90% of the time.

    The game changer badge for me was the Tireless Defender badge on HOF.

    To be able to stop these OP 6'7 demi God's who can dribble, shoot and score at will. I need all the energy possible through out the game. So when I am guarding a dribble God who spends his energy going back and forth on the court I can easily lock him up and have more than enough energy to grab boards.

    I am telling you equip this badge. Play for like 5 or 10 games and you will see a difference.

    Just wanted to share this to be able to help out my defensive focused players out in the community.

    submitted by /u/Dagodgood
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    Just picked up the PS5 version..

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:57 PM PST

    Wow! I don't know why it gets so much hate. I'm having a blast and it looks and plays really good. I usually skip 2-3 years before I buy another ..maybe thats the trick?

    submitted by /u/Gobertdd
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    Best value upgrade for Unpluckable badge is Bronze for players with high Ball Handles (around 75 higher). Full video on NBA 2K Tutes channel

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Was looking through some old videos on my phone and found this mycareer video from 2k15 on 360.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    That MyCareer moment when they cheat you out of one drill. But, you dominate every other one. But still, no turbo boost. Classic 2K.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:05 PM PST

    tattoo shop only has sleeves option

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:40 PM PST

    Does anybody else have this problem? My tattoo shop in the city has ALWAYS only had an option to shop for sleeves. All these updates later and it's still like that. Does anyone else have this problem???

    submitted by /u/kjn92
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    2k21 next-gen shoe questions?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    Hey guys, tried Googling but to no avail. Have a couple questions:

    1. I thought custom shoes were free? I couldn't find the first custom shoe I made in my closet, I had to go to the Nike store in The City and it was 10k. What am I missing?
    2. Can I edit the custom shoes in the MyCareer closet? When I edit them from the Shoe Creator (from the main menu), it makes me create an entirely separate shoe, which you know, I seem to then have to go spend 10k VC on.
    submitted by /u/Ode1st
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    Starting an Online League NBA2K21 Next-Gen (Xbox)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 12:36 AM PST

    Starting an Online League NBA2K21 Next-Gen (Xbox)


    All teams current & classic roster (best versions, no duplicate players)

    58 Game Season

    Superstar Difficulty

    8 Minute Quarters

    Updated Rosters as of start date (TBD) of the league

    Draft will be decided once we have at least half of the league full.


    Only join if your serious about the league. I don't want people joining who are either gonna quit after the draft or quit after playing 1 or 2 games.

    Hopefully everyone can stay active and play at least 2 to 5 games a week.

    If a member is inactive for over a week it will result in an automatic removal from the league.

    If you have an acceptable reason to miss playing games then just let an admin know ahead of time. If there is an emergency then of course things can be excused.


    There will be 1 co-admin to the league in case I'm not on so that way if people have trades that need to be accepted or someone needs a game reset or simmed it can be done.

    We will all communicate through Xbox group chat being that it is too difficult to get everyone on Discord or a third party app.

    I want the league to be fun but also competitive so don't be toxic or sending hate messages to others saying your trash or anything.

    No quitting games.

    Don't run up the score in closing minutes if the game is already decided, have courtesy. Last second shot attempts in a game that has been decided is unnecessary, just hold the ball.

    Streaming/archiving games is recommended. This is the easiest way to find out if there are players abusing the system.

    Do NOT excessively flash pause.

    Games affected by lag-outs will be determined by players affected + admin help. If game was out of reach already, team winning will be rewarded. If situation could be argued to still be a winnable game, game can be reset. These situations are up to both players + an admin.

    At the end of the season if we have bot teams we will sim all of the games giving the player the win so that way we can move onto the playoffs. If you choose to play the bot teams you can do so, but If you lose it will not be reversed at the end of the season. If you lose, you lose.

    THREE STRIKE rule for breaking the rules.

    1st Strike: Warning

    2nd Strike: Given a loss vs. the team you committed rule break against.

    3rd Strike: League removal

    Disputes Between Members:

    All disputes MUST be handled via message. If you believe your opponent is breaking the rules, message them and tell them what they are doing wrong (specifically if it is a new player). If you are not comfortable with speaking to the other player then let an admin know and we will reach out ourselves.


    On ball defense IS required UNLESS someone is cheesing with one player and driving into the paint everytime then you can switch onto the center or whoever is in the paint.


    All trades must be approved by an admin

    Trading with the CPU is allowed but must be a fair trade and make sense. (No abusing the trade finder and trading an 80 overall for a 90 overall)

    Trades will be kept to a relative minimum. Not to say that there will be no trades, but trades must be logical.

    If interested in joining the league send me a message on Xbox or here on Reddit.

    Gamertag: Reckless Sins

    submitted by /u/Reckless_Sins
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