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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    NBA 2K The lack of diversity in next gen has some people asking for the old builders back, but that’s not the solution. 2k can fix the current builder with these 5 simple steps.

    NBA 2K The lack of diversity in next gen has some people asking for the old builders back, but that’s not the solution. 2k can fix the current builder with these 5 simple steps.

    The lack of diversity in next gen has some people asking for the old builders back, but that’s not the solution. 2k can fix the current builder with these 5 simple steps.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Seeing tweets and comments like this concern me. I personally liked the 2k19 builder more than the last 3, but I would never suggest we go backwards. We can achieve diversity, balance, and freedom at the same time without having to go back to the restrictiveness of previous games.

    2k has put a great deal of effort over the years into making sure the builder system is balanced, but that effort typically backfires. The restrictions put in place usually lead to most players having the same few builds. Not just because the community lacks originality, but because certain builds end up making more sense. Take 2k19 stretches for example. If a stretch four gets gold limitless and a stretch five only gets silver, why make a five? The speed difference between 6'10 and 6'11 was only 2 but gap between 6'11 and 7'0 was 8. So if you wanted a stretch big, the obvious answer for most was a 6'11 stretch four. Yes, there's people who made them because of their favorite YouTuber, but many just went into the builder and came out with the same conclusion. Take away the restrictions and you'll see a lot more originality. Here's 5 steps to simplify the builder and create more balance and diversity.

    1 Increase the number of attributes.

    In a perfect world, I think the attribute selection should look something like:

    Post Hook
    Standing Layup
    Standing Dunk
    Driving layup
    Driving dunk
    Contact dunk
    Post control

    Free throw
    Open mid range
    Moving mid range
    Contested mid range
    Open three
    Moving three
    Contested three
    Post Fade

    Pass Accuracy
    Pass Speed
    Ball handle
    Speed with ball
    Acceleration with ball

    Interior Shot contest
    Post Defense
    Perimeter Shot contest
    Lateral Quickness
    Offensive Rebound
    Defensive Rebound


    Having more attributes to upgrade is a guaranteed way to bring diversity to the game. This would help distinguish between sharps and shot creators for example. Do you want to be someone who creates space to take a stand still open shot, or hit tough learners with a hand in your face. What kind of rim protector do you want to be? A KD type who uses his length to block shots, but struggles against port scorers? Or a prime Marc Gasol who uses strength and positioning to force misses without going for many blocks. With more attributes to choose from, players would have to really think about what they want their play style to be.

    2 Get rid of position restrictions

    Your attributes, badges, animations, etc should NOT be affected by your position whatsoever. The position selection should be the last step of the builder and it should be a preference that you can change at any time like your jersey number. If you want to make a 6'10 Ben Simmons build who's primary position is PG and secondary is PF, you should be able to. If you want to make a 6'6 Zion build with 90 standing dunk and big man contacts, you should able to. Placing restrictions on positions is the reason why next gen is filled with pfs, why all centers on current gen are pfs, why 1-3 on 2k20 were pgs, and 4-5 were centers, why 2k19 was full of stretch fours but no stretch fives. All positions should have access to all badges and animations if they meet the attribute requirements and they should all unlock at the same levels.

    3 Give everyone a set number of attribute points

    How do end up with everyone running around with no interior or close shot? You make those attributes insanely expensive for no apparent reason. Make every attribute carry the same weight by giving players a set number of attribute points similar to 2k20 so they can upgrade whatever they want. Yes, this means 7'3s get the same number of attribute points as 6'3s. "But height is an advantage, shouldn't taller builds get less?" Not necessarily. The advantage of height is balanced by the lower speed, acceleration, vertical, shooting, ball handling, and driving ability. So you can make a 6'8 pg but it still won't be as fast, won't shoot as well, and won't dribble as effectively as a 6'2.

    4 Simplify badge distribution

    The current system actually encourages everyone to min/max. For example on my latest build I wanted a 70 post control and 70 close shot, but that only gave me 9 finishing badges. Maxing post control to 95 and putting close shot to 40 gave me 20 finishing. Similar result by maxing close shot and leaving post control low. The new system should be simple. Let's say everyone gets 1000 points to distribute. Spending 10 points in a category should give you a badge upgrade. Want to ignore your physicals and have 100 badges? Go for it. Want to max your physicals and be left with 60? Sure. (Just pulled the numbers out of thin air, so don't get tied up in those) No more pgs upgrading post fade just to get shooting badges or maxing rebounding and blocking because steals didn't give them any badge points.

    5 Fix the broken attributes

    Almost every video from u/nba2ktutes shows how the attributes are not working correctly, particularly the physicals. Vertical not affecting blocks or dunks, strength not affecting blow bys or body ups, acceleration not affecting movement without the ball, steal rating barely mattering, and close shot being broken are just a few examples. For a builder to work properly, there needs to be a noticeable difference between 25, 50, 75 or 99 rating. A player with 25 steal and block should literally never get a steal or block.

    With a system like this you wouldn't be able to make a build that has no weaknesses. But you can still create Superstar caliber players or extremely versatile role players. The fact that your build will be a superstar and still have weaknesses will lead you wanting to go back to the builder all year long. There are other small things that can be done (like requiring a max wingspan for 95 dunking or a min wingspan for 95 three to prevent players from having both) but overall I think this system would be better for the players, the gameplay, and 2k's pockets.

    submitted by /u/PayDBoardMan
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    NBA2K Is No Longer Fun.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    I try so hard to enjoy this game but it's hard honestly, reasons why I think this game has become such a bore (Park/Rec):

    1) It's the same exact grind every year. Buy VC, upgrade, get badges, increase rep. Nothing new or refreshing.

    2) Everybody has the same play-style and does the same thing. Gets boring guarding the same type of person over and over.

    3) Same events every week.

    4) Going from store to store becomes a hassle in both City and Neighborhood.

    5) Still no patch for Next Gen. Everybody continues to use curry slides and fades (going back to point 2)

    6) No new content, same clothes, same rewards, same everything honestly.

    7) Community can be toxic at times, especially in Park and Rec. Quitting, arguing, ball hog, etc. It decreases your motivation to play.

    8) After about 3-4 games, you just get bored and turn the game off or move to another game.

    9) Next Gen begins to feel like the same 2k from previous years, just a new coat of paint.

    10) Affliations became dull after the first week. You begin noticing that nothing is different between the four, just different courts. No difference in scenery, appearance, and competition.

    I may have missed a few points, feel free to add to why you think you're bored with this. And if you're enjoying, please give me advice to continue playing this game because I love basketball too much to stop. 😭

    submitted by /u/BrokenClxwn
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    Frick you Pat Bev

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Did the Beantown Beatdown logo for my brother’s team (inspired by the fighting Irish) and the Hardwood Bully for my team. (inspired by the Bulls logo). Thoughts???

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:42 AM PST

    Spud and Hedo closing out the quarter like the champs they are!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:19 PM PST

    HoF Soul Crusher

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:55 AM PST

    someone want to explain how 2k does their scoring for your games after you reach 95? i’m tired of dropping triple doubles on 80% shooting and getting b grades. i don’t get it lol

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Still no word on a patch for Next Gen?! This is INSANE

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Any news on the patch for PS5? A lot of bugs in this game man we need a patch you'd think they would come out with a press note or something letting us now when it's coming

    submitted by /u/GuyM458
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    Would you add mouthpieces to On Court Accessories?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:44 PM PST

    My my career disappeared anyone know how to get it back?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:39 PM PST

    My MyPlayer looking for the bench after being subbed out.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Anyone have a good jumpshot for a 75 mid and 72 3pt??

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:50 PM PST

    They warm up different in Toronto

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:03 PM PST

    My career 2k card

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:41 PM PST

    I'm trying to get gym rat. My 2k card shows no stats at all. At the beginning I summed through some games so I have no clue how many games I've played. Is there anyway to look this up?

    submitted by /u/nagelbagels12
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    Do any of us like this game and does 2k even care?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    I mean seriously the entire player base seems to hate this game and 2k is just so oblivious to the whole situation even though some of their biggest creators are quitting the game and the majority of people have nothing but negative complaints about the game but 2k is doing nothing to improve of the mess, so my question is does anybody actually like 2k21 at all?

    submitted by /u/JordanStuff
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    Gameshare 2k21 (PS5 ONLY)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Is anyone willing to gameshare 2k21 wit me on the ps5? I don't have any games to share myself as I just got the ps5, but if anyone's willing to do so out of the goodness in their heart that shit would be so appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/Time_Air128
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    2k21: still so, so buggy... this happen to you?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:22 PM PST

    It is INSANE that a top tier game is still SO completely broken.

    On Park... ugh.

    When you try to load on friends, you end up standing in the water half the time.

    If you are shooting around pre-game, you can't see who is on the other side.

    We get people *constantly* disconnected from Park games.

    The out-of-bounds detection is still garbage; the game can't figure out what is touching the ground and what is in the air.

    The AI has gotten progressively worse every year, to the point where it doesn't guard the three and will take a smothered three point shot with a center.

    There is STILL that garbage where you pump fake, the opponent jumps, you go up, and you knock the ball into their belly or elbow and they get the block.

    Courts still get glitched to the point where if you step onto them you get booted.

    Players still slide all over the place, like they are standing on ice... last night I had a game where a *teammate* pushed me from one block to the other by running into me, and my guys animation never changed... he just slid along, standing stock still with his hands in the air, defending the opposing post.

    Corrupted file?

    It is still impossible to dive after a ball and save it.

    When you are shooting around before park games, the ball detection is TERRIBLE... I run up to it to pick it up, and half the time my guy just kicks it. Fifa 2k21?

    You can sometimes inbound the ball at the top of the key and just... steal it. Still.

    Half of the time, instead of showing you who is on the other team on park, it hesitates, and then shows YOUR name under the other team, and it's a big mess.

    Getting OFF the court after a Park game is impossible... you hammer B for a minute or two, and then FINALLY your guy walks off, and then you walk off to find another game, and suddenly you are BACK on the court, just NOW walking off... while a teammate walks off across another game. Or sometimes you just get locked in and CAN'T get off.

    Icon passing on inbounds throws it to the wrong person a solid twenty percent of the time.

    Sooooo.... yeah. If making a game was my job, and I churned out this, I'd get fired.

    submitted by /u/TheLordAshram
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    Court Conquer Question

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 10:03 PM PST

    Is the next conquer on feb 6th 5v5s or am I stupid cause people saying it's not 5v5? Just need some clarification (on current gen)

    submitted by /u/ericksenz26
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    Interior defense

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:16 PM PST

    Is interior defense important playing as a C for 5s?

    submitted by /u/franklinDM96
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    Any thoughts on this build? PF, 6’10, Max wing span, 238lbs.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:21 PM PST

    Does anyone else think their MyCareer player is annoying as hell

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:40 PM PST

    All the dialogue for him makes him seem like an annoying 7th grader in little league. Like whenever the other team is shooting free throws and your character just goes "missssssssss it missssssssss it missssssssss it" LIKE STFU. I just wanna mute my dumb character hes annoying as fuck. Dont even get me started on the post game interviews bro

    submitted by /u/yeppers501
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    2k21 Next Gen freezing/crashes

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:16 AM PST

    Anyone having the same issue? Every time I'm playing myteam my game randomly freezes. I can be in the middle of a game or just looking at my lineup, then it freezes and boots me back to the ps5 home screen.

    submitted by /u/BIGC1417
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    What badge makes the whole team "takeover" real fast?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:26 AM PST

    I've noticed this recently when I start hot. Games about 12-2. I'm 100% fgs, blocks, steals, etc. Then one guy from my opponents makes a dunk or a block. Just once, and the entire team gets their takeover. I would very much like to have this badge. Seems pretty useful.

    submitted by /u/buddy276
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