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    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    NBA 2K Finished my Pro-Am team’s new logo for this year, inspired by the old 76er’s logo. Thoughts?

    NBA 2K Finished my Pro-Am team’s new logo for this year, inspired by the old 76er’s logo. Thoughts?

    Finished my Pro-Am team’s new logo for this year, inspired by the old 76er’s logo. Thoughts?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:42 PM PST

    Does anyone else make shoes they have for their MyPlayer character in the shoe editor?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:04 PM PST

    Big stop to full court game winner

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:11 PM PST

    Why do the courts in Spiderman look better than "The City"? smh, lol.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:28 PM PST

    2k had a golden opportunity with next gen to fix all of the legacy issues, but almost all of them are still in the game. Here’s 10 statements from 2k devs that show me 2k22 will be no different.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:16 AM PST

    Before I begin, tweets and statements from 2k employees do not necessarily reflect the views of their employer. But they can provide a window into the thought process of some of the people working on the game. This isn't meant to bash anyone, it's just to show some of the reasons that I don't believe most of my issues with the game will be fixed in 2k22. Also the order that I put them in is not significant.

    1 2k cannot distinguish between things that need to be kept fresh vs things that don't need fixing.


    In fairness to Mitchel, he is not actually a developer. But it does show an example of a disconnect between 2k and the community about what needs to change and what needs to remain. Yes, the community wants new rep rewards, parks, clothing, hairstyles, animations, dribble moves to keep the game fresh EVERY YEAR. The community does NOT want the removal of things that we enjoyed or alterations of things that worked fine. Wanting new dribble moves does not mean removing all of the old. Wanting new rep rewards does not mean adding 5 stages to each rep level and giving useless things like armsleeves. Wanting pure locks to stop shooting like Steph does not mean changing the shot meter. Asking for affiliations back does not mean forcing everyone to only play in their affiliation by cutting the rep in half if they play elsewhere. Asking for a new park does not mean getting rid of Ante Up. There are dozens of examples of this and more where the community asks for something and 2k either does the opposite or goes overboard. Think contact dunks are OP this year? Your pure slasher won't be able to dunk on Trae Young next year. Think defense is non existent this year? Get ready to miss a wide open middy cause a lockdown breathed on you in 2k22. And 2k will make it seem like that's what the community asked for.

    2 Da Czar admits that he only had 6-8 weeks to work on the defense before 2k21 Next Gen


    Skip to 5:00 mark of the video. This one was really eye-opening as it showed some of the process of how 2k develops the game. Da Czar took over the development of the defense after an employee who did the defense for the previous 6 years or so left. He says in the video that after digging in, he noticed a lot that needed to be cleaned up. Here's my problem with that: IT SHOULD NOT TAKE AN EMPLOYEE LEAVING TO REALIZE THAT THERE'S ISSUES TO BE CLEANED UP. Obviously I'm not blaming Da Czar for this, but what sorts of checks and balances does 2k have in place? You're basically admitting that if he never left then the issues on defense would have never been discovered. I'm an electrical engineer, and I cannot imagine telling a client that another engineer recently left the company and now we realize that he's been messing up the design. There should be multiple developers doing deep dives into every aspect of the gameplay EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Not just handing the keys to one person 6 weeks before the game comes out. Nothing else in the game matters if the gameplay is poor, so more resources should be put into this. Especially considering this was supposed to be a built from the ground up release for next gen.

    3 2k dev confirms that the community does not want to miss wide open layups for bad timing. They then make you miss wide open layups with bad timing.


    Seriously though, what was the point of the poll if you're going to do the opposite? The intent was to create a skill gap for slashers, but I watch a lot of Pro 2k League players on Twitch. They all have layup timing off. If there's a feature that both casual and comp players turn off (like shot meter), that means that it's not a skill gap. It's broken. The fact that this was introduced even after the community voted against it tells us all we need to know.

    4 2k dev states that standing dunks will be better this year… in 2014


    Standing dunks have been a known issue for over half a decade atelast, but even with next gen consoles, the rise up badge, everyone making shorter players with no strength or interior, and with the addition of elite big man contact dunks in a year where contact dunks are OP, they're still bad. The fact that they aren't good this year of all years, means they never will be. And there are many examples from years past of common issues that were "addressed" previously but still exist today.

    5 2k dev doesn't want you copying builds, but also can't believe that a 69 badge build with physicals is possible



    As we all know by now, pf builds can get 80 or 90+ badge upgrades. But there's a good chance that 2k didn't even realize this was possible. This is one of the many reasons that 2k needs better BETA testing. Granted, they couldn't do community day this year due to COVID and there was no demo since it was a next gen game. But they need to have a more thorough vetting process of the game before releasing. There's always going to be a certain amount of build copying in 2k, but the majority is due to the imbalance of the build systems. My friend in 2k19 wanted to be a slasher who could shoot from the corner. But instead of making a sharpshooting slasher, he made a pure lock since it got basically the same offensive stats but was also a god on defense. This year again he wanted a build that could slash and shoot from the corner. He made a 6'7 pf with 80 badges since he could do both of those plus more. He's not watching Youtube and trying to be a dribble god, but why intentionally make a build that's not as good when you can do everything you wanted plus more. The imbalance of the system is typically what causes players to have the same builds. But 2k seems to put the blame on the community instead.

    6 2k employee asks 3rd party site for a jumpshot


    Why in the world are some jumpshots better than others in the first place?? They should be purely cosmetic, and it shows that the people who work for 2k might not even know which jumpshots are the best. Why is this a thing?? That's not a skill gap, it's a knowledge gap. Safe to say it's not going away anytime soon.

    7 Another example of 2k assuming that the players are the problem, and not the game


    Yes, there are many times that the community complains about something that isn't valid or is there own fault. For example, I don't think contact dunks are OP since Interior was patched. All of my builds that have interior and hof rim protector don't get dunked on when they're in good position. My build without interior struggles, as it should. So I don't think that most of the complaints about someone with 95 dunk and hof posterizer dunking on someone with 25 interior are valid. But often times there are legitimate complaints from the community that seem to get chalked up to user error. The day that this tweet was made I watched my pg get stripped half a dozen times in the rec with 95 ball handle and hof unpluckable and he 's very careful with the ball. Centers with no steal rating could run up to you and just take it. Even now, a player with 25 steal can rip someone with hof unpluckable. And since this is apparently user error, it's doubtful this will change in the future.

    8 The community wants something different than I do


    The fact that the poll was only asked for park and not rec or pro am is an issue in itself as those modes seem to get neglected every year. But regardless, I'm simply outside of the demo for this game. I would like something as close to a multiplayer basketball sim as possible in the rec and something "slightly" more arcadey in the park. I don't want contact dunks, ankle breakers, and half court fades every game. I prefer realistic ball with everyone fitting into a role. Even without the 6'7 pf problem, I hated the new builder because it made everyone superstars. I prefer everyone being great at one thing, good at another, then decent or bad at everything else so you have to find a way to compensate for your weaknesses and exploit your opponents. I don't care about a skill gap because I have no skill at video games. I like an IQ gap. But the game is being tailored more towards the arcadey style (as it should since that's what most people want). And 2k doesn't seem very interested in created a separate mode for those of us in the other category.

    9 The employees are overworked


    As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the devs kinda disappeared after next gen dropped. Even in the run leading up to next gen, there were fewer tweets and interviews than normal. And in the interviews, Mike Wang in particular, looked exhausted. Every year the game appears to be rushed and incomplete. Well now they're coming off of a particularly busy year, with less time than normal between releases. There's no way they're going to put out a quality product when it appears as though they're already overworked and understaffed. (See #2)

    10 The game is more profitable than ever

    NBA 2K20 made over $1 billion in less than a year

    There are 368k members of this sub. Let's say the average sub gives 2k $150 a year and every single one skipped 2k20. That's around $55 million. 2k20 would've still made more money than 2k19. We don't have the full numbers for 2k21 sales yet, but overall (and especially with microtransactions and myteam) the game is making more money than ever before. 2k just put out two different "successful" games in one year. So they basically put out each game with half the normal staff. In my experience, companies like Take Two that show that they can operate successfully with fewer employees, don't tend to add more. So if the previous games seemed like they were copy-pasted, rushed, cash grabs, there's no reason to expect a different approach in the future. I can almost guarantee 2k didn't put all of that effort into the new city just to use it for a single game.

    submitted by /u/PayDBoardMan
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    It's easy to lose track of Kyrie when he's on the floor with KD and Harden.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Managed to jump over the guy :D

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:05 PM PST

    Next Gen Park builds for a Big man who likes to be adequate in all four facets of the game. Gets pro dribble moves, HOF interceptor, HOF quick first step, is mobile, etc.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    HOF John Wall with amazing D!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    The grind on my 6’8 PF is finally over. The Rec triple double machine

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:07 AM PST

    Classic courts/stadiums in MyNBA next gen?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:40 AM PST

    Hey everyone just was wondering if you can use classic courts/stadiums in MyNBA on next gen? Doing a franchise with the Pistons and was wondering if I can bring The Palace back. The Palace looks phenomenal on next gen and would really love to use it on MyNBA!

    submitted by /u/TickNation
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    The amount of BS in back to back possessions

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    Handles for Days and all the different badges really do on 2k 21

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    I been playing 2K since 18 and sometimes run with a point gaurd. 21 I made a 6'6 perimeter lock defense and shooting pie has 70 dribble attribute. I was never much for dribble moves, always seemed too difficult to master and find consistencing in controls so I'd keep it simple at point. Been working on shot creating in mycareer this year so I finally tried the HFD badge, and wow it changes everything.

    Wish 2k would do a better job explaining what badges and attributes do in full. The way the badge is described, it seems like HFD is simply for maintaining energy and being able to sequence dribble moves but the thing literally opens dribble moves you will never see without it and also makes them faster and tighter leading you to the sequence instead of needing to push into them. Makes it more like read and react to your myplayer and suddenly I'm able to learn this shit. Without HFD you cant do shit lol. Unbelievable.

    Wondering if there are other badges that 2k simply does not describe what they make possible or other badges that are not gonna be a wasted application for a casual user. Like Green machine i know is considered an OP badge but for me its a waste of any badge points. I dont green often enough to hit 2 in a row to make the thing ever apply. IMO it's not a good badge for casual player.

    Real talk on badge insight, anything and everything please... GFY Mike Wong. Oh yea and on 20 I became familiar with the badges that were broke and do nothing. I Still see the game has them here, did they fix any of them for 21 or are they still useless?

    submitted by /u/cilwitc
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    Amazon has 2K21 on XSX for $42, biggest sale for Next-Gen to date

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:21 PM PST

    Can anyone let me know when pro am is ranked is it only certain times or what? Me and my boys are ranked 28th on PS5 but for some reasons recently nothings been counting when we’ve been winning a ton

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:08 PM PST

    Not getting all earned VC?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 10:48 PM PST

    This is a screenshot of my reviewing a clip over the top of the progression screen. As you can see my balance before the game was 607 vc and I earned 1160 vc, so I should have 1767 vc... Yet my balance on the progression screen says I have exactly 1600 vc... Is there something I don't know about? Could it be that I am paying my agent?

    submitted by /u/ptownsend1989
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    7’2” center can’t make a layup

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:12 AM PST

    90 close shot, why can't I make a shot over a 6'4" guard directly under the rim 3 tries in a row? I literally shouldn't even have to jump to dunk it but I just throw up some fucktard layup. I've got 20 finishing badges including hof putback boss and rise up. Why is this shot under the rim harder to make then a fadeaway deep 3?

    submitted by /u/Jitdoka
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    Is this an optimal best dunk set in 2k21 Next Gen for MyPlayer? Would appreciate any feedback if I should change any of these dunk sets or add any specific ones

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:23 PM PST

    How the hell do you play defense

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:18 PM PST

    Playing against the raptors and so far the game has moved me out of the way so Lowry can dunk, Siakam somehow makes a shot with three guys around him, oh yeah and he drives past everyone, when I switch to zone they just run to the middle of the zone underneath the hoop and score, why is the ai so mind boggling incompetent

    submitted by /u/Wandering-Rabbit
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    Super Stacked One Dimension My Team Players

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:25 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Just started playing MyTeam Online lately and it is mostly really fun, first time so all new and fresh to me, and nothing to compare it too.

    One thing, and I wonder if other people notice it too. There are some who have super stacked teams, I mean 97 overall on all players in the 13 player rotation.

    I can't beat them at all, my team isn't horrible, but not that good. And all they do, is space the floor so it is 5 out, and no dribble move, just drive and it doesn't matter if it is a guard or a big, they just blow past like your defender is having a stroke.

    So, does anyone know how to combat this? Or is the only way to also have a stacked team. For reference I can pretty much green every shot etc, so I know it's not simply because I am trash.

    Cheers everyone!

    submitted by /u/PitchBlackX7
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    Does this game really have Kobe wearing a yarmulke?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:34 PM PST

    Is it me or are some builds/players just not guardable?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:35 PM PST

    I am an ace defender in this game but it seems that this year whether its my park or rec some builds are not guardable--they can hit 3 pointers from anywhere dunk from the free throw line. It's crazy how unbalanced things have gotten this year.

    submitted by /u/WuriderX
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    Is this a good build now that hot shot is not as good? I've been playing on it and noticing I have not been getting very many contact dunks, is it because of my 70 vertical? or something else?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

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