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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    NBA 2K original video: nigahiga

    NBA 2K original video: nigahiga

    original video: nigahiga

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:02 PM PST

    YouTube Gameplay vs. Thumbnail

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:41 PM PST

    TNT using the nosebleeds camera from NBA2K for their GSW/SAC preseason game

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:46 PM PST

    That J-Will assist!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Bring back MyCourts

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:57 AM PST

    Why hasn't anyone called them out for monetizing shooting around alone? No ball machine, no my court to work on our shots? Gotta pay vc to rent a court??? That was such a bad move smh

    submitted by /u/kingkingking7
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    Got to play a park game today with me, myself & the other guy.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Defending on next gen just feels bad...

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:15 AM PST

    Defense is impossible in the park. Now that I have gotten that out of the way I want to say why I feel this way and everyone feel free to tell me what I'm doing wrong. There will be a TLDR at the end.

    My main issue at this point is that every year she keep adding more and more to the arsenal of offensive animation moves and badges while completely neglecting defense. I believe we've got a tipping point with this next gen edition because it's too the point where a good majority of games end in shooting percentages around 80%.

    Defense just doesn't feel good. The main issue I've run across is that reaching and praying is your best form of defending the ball handler in this game because the speed with ball stat is so overwhelmingly faster than the lateral quickness stat. If you have ever attempted to play defense in this game you've probably noticed that the account is command the offensive player can input in any situation is going to be around double or triple what you can input in that same situation. Given that most of the time you encounter two players in the respective corners and one player at the top of the key, the defender at the top of the key is going to get beaten. It's not necessarily the top of the key defender's fault that they are going to lose it's just that there is nothing they can do once reaching fails.

    If the offensive player curry slides and you luck up and move with them they will do it again. At this point your player will not recover in time to play good defense because of the quick first step badge and the blinders badge they will either shoot or drive. If you sag off to defend the drive (everyone has a 95 driving dunk, posterizer hof, and every contact animation) they will shoot the three and green it (everyone has a 95 three, deep threes, hot zones, blinders, and dead eye) while you won't be able to recover in time to defend either option because the defensive stats and badges are completely inferior to their offensive counterparts at this point in time. Defense requires an impossible amount of teamwork. The one iso player can do whatever they want and is going to be the only person enjoying the game on either team while roughly 83% of the time in this session for the other players will be then either standing in the corner waiting to shoot, standing in the Corning defending the shooter, or the one man on an island praying you get a good reach animation. Ultimately ending with you being beaten and wishing you could respond faster on defense.

    If they remove the crab walk and the curry slide, I don't think this will do to much to fix the defensive experience in this game. At the point where the first two exploits don't work we'll just see the reemergence of screen exploitive play except worst now because everyone is a 6'7-6'9 PF that can do everything so either player can respond any way they want to the defense taking sides defense away as a viable option at higher levels of play.

    At this point I don't know what can be done to improve the feel and enjoyment of the defensive aspect of the game and I honestly believe that we are close to a meta where defense is completely pointless. We'll just wind up cutting out the middle man and just staying on our respective ends of the court and taking turns shooting threes hoping someone misses on the other side. Why even put the effort into playing defense if the devs don't feel like putting the effort into creating defensive options.

    TLDR: Defense isn't responsive enough, builds have become to good at being all around, offense has become to easy. All of the aforementioned factors compiled together have left us with an extremely arcady basketball game that picks and chooses when to bring real basketball into play. The development team needs to actively balance this game instead of giving us tweaks at the start of the year and the middle. More defensive animations and badges need to be added (roughly almost double what's currently available) in order for that side of the ball to be more enjoyable.

    Thanks for hanging in there and reading this vent piece, now feel free to engage in civil conversation regarding what I just said and I will respond/read what everyone has to say (unless you're a 12 YO dribble god who only says get food).

    submitted by /u/Huck3Finn
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    Why am I the slowest player on the court?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:28 PM PST

    90 speed, 91 speed with ball, perfect gatorade workout with Gatorade boosts. I'm an SF and I get I won't be faster than a speedy guard, but tell me why I can't even outrun centers, let alone the meta PFs.

    Downhill badge on HOF does nothing and I get tracked down on every fast break.

    Internet is wired, with gig speeds. WTF.

    Edit: This is next gen, PS5.

    submitted by /u/jpm1012
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    Next gen makes current gen look better in terms of builds.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:21 PM PST

    Is it just me or is 2k21 next gen making me want piecharts back? Everyone is good at everything which just makes the game not fun. Most of the 2k community are sheep that follow what their favorite youtuber tells them. 2k just does not know how to balance builds. There's always that 1 build that is SO much better than the rest. I don't know why this happens every year. And for park, literally just iso for 20 seconds, then get a bs contact dunk. I wish 2k would actually do something..

    submitted by /u/Dope_Stifey
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    The Virginia Storm's third-year man, Jim Banks, and Kawhi Leonard power through for a regular-season win in the year 2022.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:35 PM PST

    After lots of great advice from yesterday’s post, I wanted to share my updated attempt at making a 5v5 big man. Would love some feedback on this build once more to see what everyone thinks.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:57 PM PST

    The shot stick seems busted

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:06 PM PST

    I've been playing 2k for years. Generally been a shoot button user, rather than the shot stick, other than step backs and things like that. It seems like this year though, no jumper ever goes in without the shot stick, and admittedly I haven't spent tons of time using it, it seems like no release is ever centered.

    Am imagining things in that any online mode is next to impossible without using the ss?

    submitted by /u/MoistTotal
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    Stop giving the away team their jersey choice over the home team

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Play now online. This is yet another so simple yet so broken aspect of this game. The home team gets their choice of jersey and the away team has to pick a different color. The away team shouldn't be able to pick the same color jersey as the home team and then when the game loads up, the away team has the jersey they chose and the home team has some random jersey on from 40 years ago that is the opposite color of what they chose. It should be the opposite if 2k made any damn sense. The home team gets the jersey they chose and then the away team should get the random ass jersey from 50 years ago if they can't choose a different color than the home team. Holy crap, common sense 2k. Wtf

    And don't even get me started on these slow ass play now online players who spend 5-10 minutes setting their lineups, changing their settings, changing their camera angle, changing God knows what before the game even starts. Who has that kind of time? I just wanna play the game. What kind of life are u living that u have that kind of time? Or is everybody on here just slow? The game already has the best players starting. Why does it take 5 minutes to set your lineup? Are u taking the best players out?

    submitted by /u/haknstax
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    Next gen no sound the city

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:43 AM PST

    Not sure what's going on but nba career seems fine with sound but once going to the city it has no sound at all. Roaming the city theres no sound, no menu sounds, no park game sound or rec sounds. Anyone else having this issue since this snow update?

    submitted by /u/Red_Comet2034
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    Can’t Shoot in Current Gen

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:27 PM PST

    I can't make any threes or greens in park or my court. I'm on xbox and shoot with my x button and with my shot meter. I have a 95 three point shot and 30 shooting badges. Any tips or tricks would be appreciated! Also i'm a 82 overall if that means anything.

    submitted by /u/Silly-Confusion-2921
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    Next gen body type fix

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:10 AM PST

    Has anyone found a fix to the body type error I see a ton of people saying how with this update the body type were ruined just tryna see if there's a fix for it?

    submitted by /u/Mak2428
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    how to fix input delay in nba2k

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:05 PM PST

    anyone know any possible fixes? shit is literally unplayable with the input lag i get.

    submitted by /u/prodbyora
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    NBA 2k gaming error message

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:58 AM PST

    Hello guys, I recently got the new Xbox. I downloaded NBA 2k on it. This is last gen 2k 21. I was to broke to buy next gen. But there is this error message that keeps coming up when I start the game that stop me from playing my career and my team. I search it up say that I need to restart my Xbox. This is not a big problem but does anyone know how to fix so I don't have to restart my Xbox every time I want to play NBA 2k 21. Thanks ;)

    submitted by /u/Coffeepaper2237
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    Why can’t I join the beast

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:29 AM PST

    I was very excited to get this game bcz I saw affiliations are back and I wanted to join the beast but I got thrown into the city with the WILDCATS HOW CAN I JOIN THE BEAST OF THE EAST 😭 I live in nyc I gotta get on

    submitted by /u/AlexHitDem
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    Looking for comp team to join for ps4

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I'm looking for a comp team to join and run with everyday, I'm SS3 and have 3 solid builds so I can be versatile

    submitted by /u/Mike207Oxmall
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    New Feature I found in NBA2k20

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:12 AM PST

    Any realistic build even worth it?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

    I took a couple years off of 2K but wanted to get back into it on the PS5. I normally play a slashing guard who drives, kicks, defends and really only pops threes if they're gimmes.

    I thought maybe I'd go with a 1/2 slashing guard build I saw, but is it even worth making anything that isn't a sharpshooter with circus threes or a PF badge demi? I'm not trying to grind several characters and even though I'll play a lot of just career, I don't want to be irrelevant in the city. Do I just go for the Demi or can you survive on a realistic swingman?

    Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/mattsunday
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