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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    NBA 2K After about 10 attempts to get a face scan to work the results are brutal.

    NBA 2K After about 10 attempts to get a face scan to work the results are brutal.

    After about 10 attempts to get a face scan to work the results are brutal.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Spread the word: if the “big thing” to MyTeam tomorrow is just packs, don’t buy them!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Firstly, if it's actual content then ignore this post.

    I think it's time for a boycott against packs, especially after they did that stupid shit with the possessed packs. 2k listens to money and if they start to not get any, then they might actually change things for the better. Try your hardest to not buy packs if their "big thing" is just packs cause they are just taking advantage of us at that point. I hope it's actual content, maybe they add the draft mode to the game. But I'm done letting 2k take advantage of all the people that love this game.

    submitted by /u/aaziz99
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    2K21 looks unreal on PS5

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    Kobe looks great with next-gen graphics

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 02:19 PM PST

    I created the best average player �� (everything is a 70 or above)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Adins a goat for this, tweet it if you haven’t already

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:12 PM PST

    I feel like New Gen is actually poor execution of what could be awesome

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:46 PM PST

    I don't know where to start but as much as i was really hyped at start, and still somehow is, i can see how the poor execution gonna get me so frustrated soon enough.

    The City frame drops is completly insane, 75% of the games, and im generous if its not higher, are laggy on either one side or even both side. This make it unplayable in the long term.

    The paint game is just so special, i don't even know how to properly explain it, its like as much as you contest it, if you dont get posterized (good thing i got interior def) the contact layup goes in 75% of the time.

    Shooting game is madddd crazy too, ive never seen so many early/late contested going in. You can also green easy back to back 30/40% contested if you're a good shooter.

    Building is sooooooooo insane this year but you're penalized if you don't go with the meta 6'7 PF build so that's all you see. (I played one rec game so far and we were 7).

    All around :(. I wish it was the year.

    submitted by /u/freakytahz
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    Just so y'all know: The W is actually really fun (and it gives VC)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:39 PM PST

    I've genuinely enjoyed playing the W so far. Everything about it has been fun- the player builder (archetype based, and you can actually be good-great at everything), the gameplay is really nice and feels like an actual basketball game with motion and passing as opposed to iso-mania, and the multi-faceted career path. Also, you don't spend VC at all!

    It's also been lots of fun to learn about the WNBA through commentary. I knew of Delle Donne, Parker, and Griner going into it but I've learned a lot about a lot of players.

    Plus, you get 500 VC/game for each game on HOF 10 min quarters. Not a ton, but it's a nice bonus and you won't be missing out on grinding your MC player completely. Highly recommend you give the W a shot.

    submitted by /u/Juror_Number_9
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    Next Gen has ruined the competitive play style of The Rec. More inside

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:37 AM PST

    A few gripes.

    No more matchmaking by overall

    No more under 92 lobby

    Autofill with 60 overall ai, that are always smaller and out of position

    Now 5 man squads can abuse solo players because more often then not if you don't have a squad you get an ai

    gameplay feels like the all star game. every drive leads to a contact dunk. ally oops are op and never fail.

    Every year it's one step forward two steps back

    Make the ai 85/team average rating. Make them the proper height and play style. Add extra my points and rep for playing with ai. Make two lobbies. Filter 5 man squads from solo players. The locker room already has two doors. Make one a squads only rec and the other an auto fill rec.

    submitted by /u/avericks
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    I made Juice WRLD on 2k21 Next Gen

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Frame drops in the City are caused by the billboards around the courts, fix is being worked on.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:54 PM PST

    My four year old myCareer player has reached 20,000 points (2k16, 8th season lmao). I thought I'll celebrate it with a graphic by posting it here. (scroll to see other screenshots)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:45 AM PST

    2K Is Once Again Gonna Be Ruined By GenZ and The Twitter Crew

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:16 AM PST

    I hate to sound like I'm against the community but this community is by far one of the worst in all of gaming.They ruin the game completely by crying online about user created faults in their games and decide the game should be tailored to them.I see calls for dunks to be needed when half of not majority of these clowns waste all their points on offensive stats and leave their defense low enough that the average 2K player with iq(small group) takes advantage of it.Every cycle these kids have to break the game them when they can't adjust to a new meta they cry to get the game tailored to them.Sure the city is kinda choppy at times but it's not a huge problem for a lot of us.I'm just hoping the devs don't crack like they did earlier with last/current gen and make these kids adjust to the game

    submitted by /u/DevDaTru7h
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    NBA 2k21 next gen pros and cons

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    For those still on the fence on buying next gen., I'm going to list MY personal pros and cons/added and removed things in next gen. (Mainly for Mycareer and the city). I'm going to try to list things that haven't been mentioned much or at all.


    • The city is bigger than you think
    • Graphics are great
    • My player builder is new and unique (more freedom to make a build that fits your play style)
    • New Mycareer path before NBA (G league)
    • New hairstyles (about 5)
    • Movement is much smoother (much less sliding on defense)
    • New animations in most categories (added a step back category)
    • You get a free skateboard to move around city (can also grind rails)
    • Curry slide and screens were nerfed
    • Physics have been improved
    • NPC's in city give you rewards upon completion
    • More music added to playlist
    • With perfect timing you can green nearly any shot from anywhere (can also be a con)
    • Added slides, chains, and face masks
    • You can dribble a ball around the city (regular ball is free)
    • New park jump shot emotes and landings
    • You can shoot around when you hop on a got next spot
    • Double takeovers are back
    • Load times are very fast


    • Haptic feedback (PS5) is terrible (but can be turned off)
    • Shot contest is very inconsistent (don't be surprised if players and cpu green/make "heavily" contested shots)
    • Rep meter for city is slow. Takes too long to rep up as a pro 1
    • No more daily spin (affiliation statues give out rewards)
    • Shot meter can be inconsistent at times (a slightly early release can move to a green release and vice versa)
    • No more shot vibration
    • Forced to play online if you don't like online before you get into the city (Rookieville)
    • Modded controllers still work
    • No more +4 attributes from gatorade facility drills
    • A lot of the same animations from current gen
    • A lot of animations were removed from animation store
    • My player builder is more limiting than you think (won't let you go past a certain number in a category even if you have enough points)
    • Some takeovers don't work like they're supposed to or have little to no effect
    • City is very choppy and nearly unplayable at times
    • Affiliations fill up so you might not be able to rep up equally with your friends if they get the game down the line and are in another affiliation
    • Face scan is very bad (makes face look wide or just crashes altogether)
    • No more barber shop
    • No more MyCourt
    • Badges are unbalanced for my player (certain positions get much more badges than others)
    • Pricing for clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. can be absurd (ex. a legend jersey could cost 35k VC which is 10 USD)
    • Feels like a pay to win (grinding feels extra unnecessary)
    • Contact dunk animations happen way too frequently
    • If you're not that good at timing your jump shot it might be harder to shoot
    • Lowest rating for attributes is 25 (you can have a 95 3 and a 25 free-throw rating. Even Shaq had a 50 free throw rating)
    • Can be hard to get games in city especially if your affiliation isn't the most popular
    • Clothes and accessories don't transfer even though most are EXACTLY the same from current gen.
    • Ante up is event only now
    • No new tattoos
    • Camera angles in MyCareer tend to switch to crowd when you're shooting free throws
    • Must wait 15 seconds to skip a timeout in G league
    • Some long and hanging hairstyles STILL don't move with your player (exception is Coby Whites hair)
    • Some good badges were completely removed
    • Takeovers from current gen. were just split up into 3 categories to make it seem like they added more

    I know no one is really gonna read all this either lol. I'm not bashing 2K either, i'm just stating things I've experienced myself. You might love the game and that's fine and others may not, that's why i'm saying this is my OPINION. To give it a rating, i'll give it a 5.5/10. I'm just saying the game should be better than it is now, especially for a next generation game. it's not horrible but it isn't where it should be. Over time things will get patched, but as of now it's not worth it to me. I don't want people to get the game without knowing what they're really getting into. I'm not telling you what to do with your money either, this is really just a heads up of what to expect so you're not blindsided.

    submitted by /u/Cozyxkage
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    [From CliqueProd's latest video] According to 2K, Kevin Durant never won the 2017 NBA Championship.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Feedback from a player that has played 14-21

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:15 PM PST

    I have a couple of strong opinions on the game but im going to just list them off i want to see if people agree with me or disagree comment if u would like to add something or say something is already good

    1.) If your going to have a big park make ur servers bigger to hold more players. These servers only hold enough people for 2 parks to have games the others are a desert

    2.) The gameplay has just been terrible since past 17 man. Honestly the game has regressed from 15,16,17 back then we would get 1.) A new park or slightly edited one. 2.) Better gameplay and movement, the movement on the past 2k's feel like im moving a stick figure around

    3.) Height should matter. Being short and being tall should both have their advantages 2k20 and 2k19 were a perfect combination of this. I don't want to be a 6'4 pg dribbling as the same speed as a Power Forward that just lowered his height to 6'7.

    4.) I remember in 16 we would get so hype if we got a contact dunk or ankle breaker animation because it was rare. This year they happen way too consistent and it's annoying

    5.) There us a rumor saying people with less win percentages have sliders i want to know if this is true and if it is it should be taken out of the game.

    6.) The game should be tested by mass groups as a beta in a form to where content creators AND people from the 2k league get to try it out so we won't get the type of glitches we got and still have such as not being able to join a friend

    7.) You guys really don't except anyone to hit legend if they play park right? Lmao the rep there is actually Hilarious I remember when i could finish pro 1-5 in one day not 2 weeks

    8.) Stage. We wanted it full time in 18. What happened with that u guys thought it was actually a good idea to take it out again?

    9.) It's annoying when we try to go in a rec game and one of us gets kicked

    10.) Jumpshot speeds should be like in 2k20 where it slowed down on how tall u are this year its still in the game but at 6'8.... it should be above 6'6

    11.) If we don't have a event that day can we get stage? Literally haven't even seen anything good go on in the event center

    12.) Dribbling is literally the worst and steals are too op

    13.) Rebounding us broken. Centers are getting boxed out and horsed overed by guards

    14.) Lock downs are useless because they just slide. You guys said you did but clearly not for defense

    15.) I understand the park lag is because of the billboard so please take this into account in 5 weeks when a new mayor is selected

    16.) Jumpshots feel really slow this year

    1. It's almost impossible to get badges in career i can play a 12 minute quarter game for shooting badges scoring 106 points and not get my badge until another 3 games.

    18.) add a option to hide rep

    19.) I can't really think of anything anymore it's late but when i do because i know i will i will continue this

    submitted by /u/PeepMySharp
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    Jokic build with my friends in the city

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Just ended Doncic...

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:12 PM PST

    2K Support lying to me about my missing save file

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    This Guy Made A 84 badge 23/8//27/26 Monster at PF

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    2K reset my player build from BURLY to Compact

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:47 PM PST

    Has this happened to you?

    This is on a Power Forward who was built specifically around the likeness of Karl Anthony Towns and Joel Embiid. This change that I didn't ask for completely defeats the purpose of this build. I spent way too much money on this player with the intention of making videos. I can't "just make another guy"

    Seriously, is there any way to fix this? This happened after getting disconnected from the server, having to close app and restart. When I loaded into the park I also had some random face, and my created face was gone.

    submitted by /u/beatsbybighead
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    2k Devs and Community

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Does anyone else feel like the 2K devs are just never honest with us? Like there's no communication whatsoever about any of the problems going on and we are just kind of left to hope there's going to be a patch. For example, a lot of people were getting the career glitch where they got homescreened and then couldn't get back into the career. On Twitter 2ksupport was non-stop tweeting at people who were complaining about this problem by asking for their ticket number. I feel instead of responding to a bunch of people about the same issue, they should have been putting out something that said they are working on it right away and to expect a patch by (insert date). Idk man, I feel like for such a loyal fan base, they should be a little more upfront. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/bobbylight55
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    Forcing us to play in Rookieville and rep up before hitting the city had killed this game for me

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:15 AM PST

    I've never been a park player. I never will be a park player, I just don't enjoy it. I base my builds on how I want to play in the NBA. Forcing us to rep up in the park before hitting the city has killed this game for me. This is the worst thing 2K have put us through in a long time, it ruins the game for us players who have no intention of ever playing the park

    submitted by /u/SchoonerMcGavin
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    Wrong park server region

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:31 PM PST

    I live in Illinois, and i consistently get spawned in EU parks for some reason can someone please help me. I would join one of my friends but nobody has next gen on my friendslist.

    submitted by /u/InterestingAdvance88
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