Dame excels at everything apparently. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 06:33 PM PDT |
7 foot center 19 AST Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:16 AM PDT |
Arguments after a loss Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:43 PM PDT |
2K21 is rated PG (Parental Guidance) in Australia because of gambling lmao Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:55 AM PDT |
Give them a chance they said. Randoms aren't so bad they said, stop being a sweat they said. Now look at what I'm dealing with. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT |
You know the 3v3 continuous drill... Not just lebron btw, all the stars Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT |
2K should show your highlight mixtape of the season on the loading screens in my career Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT |
The Rec Clowns [OC] Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT |
Magic Johnson got some bunny’s Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:24 PM PDT |
Bro really made that like it was nothing Posted: 10 Aug 2020 10:07 PM PDT |
Nba 2k20 is a horrifically bad game that requires you to have no skill be good at the game. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:12 PM PDT Nba 2k20 I've been playing since launch and I've been frustrated on how things that would happen in an actual game of basketball or worse all of the things you would never see in a actual game of basketball all of the time. I get it that the nonsense plays are funny and cool the watch at a rarity. But it gets to a point where those types of plays work more than trying to make the game feel like a game of traditional basketball. Here are all of my displeasure's with this game for the past year. - Intimidator and Interceptor Badges: I have never seen such an unrealistic experience with these 2 badges compared to games prior. With Intimidator, it has made it impossible to make open path layups with said player with the badge in within proximity. I love to call it a no effort badge because that is exactly what it is. I cant tell you how many times I shot a layup from the contested range of wide open to 25% contested with someone with intimidator straight up missing its attempt to break up my layup, I get a clean layup off and the ball just bobbles around until it rolls off the rim. Imagine that happening in a real NBA game, we would all be making memes and poking all of the shit at any player that would let that happen to him. Also don't get me wrong the concept of this badge was good on paper but needed to be NERFED a lot by the first few weeks of the game being launched, and it was never touched one bit. Not to mention the sheer insanity that is the Interceptor badge, cheesers on this game already try and intercept every single pass and inbound as if they were playing Madden. Now they have been given an incentive to keep doing it and they might as well do it more. Oh look an open pass to Zion in the corner, and nope here comes generic player flying from the heavens and it's his ball now. The last thing 2k shouldve even done is award these types of players that ruin the experience and enjoyment of the game to the point I'd rather actually go outside. I could keep listing badges that are a problem but this paragraph would never end and I have other points to get to.
- Shooting: A lot of the game of basketball is to be able to shoot the ball. But just you imagine if you are wide open and you get the shot result Slightly Late and Wide Open and you miss. That's fine right? You'll make the next one right? Your friend rebounds the ball and gives you the pass as your opponents are incompetent cheesers who think double teaming your other friend is the best idea in the world. You shoot it again... Slightly Early and Wide Open... Boink.... Are you starting to get my drift or does this cycle need to keep going and going and going for you to understand that shooting in this game no matter the circumstance is a prayer. Oh but you'll say "lol git gud" and I'm going to wonder how good that kool-aid tastes over there. NOT TO MENTION! The floor general badge when its on Hall of Fame gives you percentages of you and all of your teammates chances to make that shot. So if thats the case and someone with a 99 three and all of the needed badges (we'll get back to that too) is wide open would have say a 68% under his player. Then why would you need 2 misses with a very good center under the basket to keep dishing it back to you til you have to green it. AND ALSO why do you have to green shots for your only chance to make shots in this game? But how come when you full white or have a minor error on your shot as it happens, we're all human, it punishes you as if you never let go of the button a good majority of the time. I understand that you wont make every shot, thats a given but when your taking open shots with good releases and you start going 0 for 5 and the games is going in the top right "Good Shot Selection" I call bullshit, we cant have both 2k. Also while on the topic how come 2% contested is treated as if it is 100% smothered? those 2 things are completely different at all means of it and yet if someone gets the smallest close out on you its a brick. You cant expect people who dont no-life this game day in and day out to master every single shot in the game so its PERFECT WIDE OPEN 9 out of 10 times.
- Badges vs No Badges: I'm going to create an hypothetical for you and just think about it, this is from the parenthesis' from section 2. You're going to have 2 players in the realm of 2k one player 75 3pt rating loaded out with shooting badges, the other 99 3pt rating and little to no if any badges at all to his name. Stop reading for a moment and think about it for a good minute and think about which player would perform better in the world that is Nba 2k. If you guessed the guy with max stats.. you would've been wrong. The fact that if you don't have badges makes you a sitting duck waiting to get knocked off time after time again is just stupid to think about. Which puts me back at section 2 a little bit with the fact that you shouldn't even bother shooting with anyone that doesn't even have Silver Range Extender, Quick Draw, Catch and Shoot and maybe a few others. Or you can expect to shoot 15% and get laughed at by everyone. So yes, your rating really does mean absolutely nothing to an extent if you don't have those pretty purple and gold badges all over the place.. Don't this Ben Simmons tho, you're better than that.
- The Community: Without a doubt the Nba 2k community is probably one of if not the worst community that there is out there. Which is why I won't be shocked if those people downvote this to hell since they are the same people who ruin this game just so they can get to 99 and think they are actually good at the game. This goes outside of just the game on console or PC and can go into 2k Youtubers Live Chats and Comment Sections. A lot of you are really weird and spam the most idiotic, dumb, and stupid things without even knowing the meaning behind of any of the slurs that is put out there. It doesnt help either that those same youtubers no matter how rich they get from making videos off of this game are the whiniest sacks of shit on this platform and it has rubbed off on a lot of you to just blindly complain about 2k without any reason behind it. Because behind the videos you only see 20-ish minutes of multiple hours of them not caring on what the game is since they are making so much money compare to how much you see them pour into the game. Oh yea that's right.. stop acting like your such of a god at this game.. You're Not, and everyone thinks your stupid when your crying to no one in the voice chat about you shooting 0 for 1 after you missed the worst possible shot you could've done. Also If you're complaining about not being passed the ball, don't go out of your way to fuck over your teammates even if they are winning the game for you. Who in the right mind would not take a free win. Me and my friend, it had to be a week ago were up 20-15 in the park and we were both popping off. Then this random on our team begins to inbound the ball a way I have never seen before so we couldn't even get another possession on offense and caused us to lose. Since I saw him crying in VC i hopped out of party chat and when into game chat and asked him what his problem was and he's crying he didnt get the ball. I can tell you about countless games I was never given the ball. It happens to all of us we have to deal with it. But when you actively act like a asshole you just show us all what is wrong with his community.
- THAT DAMN HELICOPTER: Who thought this was a good idea. No one cares if you have arrived and no one wants to have their ears blown out by you showing up. Just why.
Honorable mentions: Pay to win, Laggy Servers, and 2k ignoring our opinions. submitted by /u/AlexSid001 [link] [comments] |
This took forever! Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:21 PM PDT |
MyCareer concept Idea Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:37 PM PDT I'm sure this idea has been thrown around before, but I think that a dynamic duo mechanic in MyCareer would be awesome, not necessarily like 2k17 with Justice You Ng, but with any player. Like if you dish out more assists to a specific player, or throw lobs to a specific player, or even lock down on a double team with a specific player. Then you get a boost when both of you are on the court together like in MyTeam. I think that it would be such a cool mechanic to have that in MyCareer, where you and another teammate can just demolish another team submitted by /u/Chev2thelev85 [link] [comments] |
This Happens Way Too Often Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:32 AM PDT |
Should Antemosquito be fined for this flop? Posted: 10 Aug 2020 01:34 PM PDT |
Vicious foul by Jokic. Absolutely no place for this in the game of basketball. Should it have been a flagrant? Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:54 PM PDT |
AI needs to play how their build is built Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT There is no reason why an offensive threat is suppose to be able to lock me down like Kawhi Leonard with no defense in their build. This is just infuriating. submitted by /u/buffythebodyy [link] [comments] |
Every single 2k youtuber Posted: 10 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT |
What's the best way to practice no meter shots for beginner? Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT I just started playing and wanna have a consistent no meter shot before 2k21 drops, what's the best way to do it? submitted by /u/IzzyG_3 [link] [comments] |
When you’re tryna grind playmaking and defensive badges in the rec Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:19 PM PDT |
Grinding a new mode (myleague) Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:56 PM PDT I focused a lot of my time this year in myteam, but was interested in checking out myleague for the rest of the year...can I get any info, suggestions, or what to expect, how to play it? submitted by /u/Blowback_ [link] [comments] |
Thanks for the pass Ad Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:56 PM PDT |
GSW logos i made. Hope you like em. Click on my profile for more. Making every NBA team. Posted: 11 Aug 2020 02:20 AM PDT |
Pro Tip: Make a 3D model of a celebrity you want in MyCareer and just facescan the 3D model. Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:30 PM PDT I like to use Headshot on Character Creator 3 and make a 3D model of a famous celebrity/athlete and then face scan my monitor as I rotate said 3D model. I am making a Derek Jeter face scan and will post the image(s) when done. submitted by /u/PretzelSalt3 [link] [comments] |
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