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    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 26, 2020

    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 26, 2020

    MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 26, 2020

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:05 PM PDT


    This is a daily thread for MyTEAM with hundreds, if not thousands, of comments every day and is the best place to ask questions pertaining to your cards or lineup. In addition, this thread is used for general discussion, price checks, and pull showoffs.

    How do I ask for lineup suggestions?

    Display your lineup using a site like 2KMTC or take an in-game screenshot and upload it to Imgur.

    Along with the link to your lineup, include your platform (ex. XB1 or PS4), MT available to spend, and questions you have. The more information you include, the easier it is for others to help you.


    Useful Sites:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It’s go time ��

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Winning Trivia isnt as cool as I thought.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Why is it in my career you can be up 20 then get subbed out for 2 minutes and then be down 20 when you come back into the game?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Man it's annoying

    submitted by /u/Deadly-prick73
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    What a very helpful graphic. Thank you 2K, just 71 more spots to go

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    I put in a few free agency suggestions and the front office went insane. How tf!?!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    Park between games

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I think it would be interesting if they added a feature where if you win a game, while you wait for competition you could shoot around on the court. Stay warmed up, practice your shots and dribbling etc. what do you guys thing?

    submitted by /u/P0lymor
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    First season with the Knicks, up by 17 against the Bucks. 1:30 to go and I have 98 points, but Fizdale decides it's enough

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Throwback: NBA 2k13 Charlotte Bobcats rebuild. This squad is nasty. No, I didn't use trade over block. Currently in the Playoffs

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Hey Niko let's go bowling

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    An ode to dribble gods

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Roses are red

    I'm a G Lock,

    If a midget is on me

    Pass me the rock.

    submitted by /u/TheMagicMan56
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    Anyone else awful at 2K when they’re high?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    I take edibles for pain management and I'm starting to notice that I literally can't hit a green and I keep completely leaving my man because I'm watching the point guard dribble up the court. So I was just wondering how it affects everyone else because I've always heard people get better at video games.

    PS. Don't worry guys, I'm playing offline I promise

    Edit: just did the 3 point drill where you're supposed to get your own rebound and spent the first 30 seconds calling for the ball

    submitted by /u/thuggyt
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    I can’t believe you’ve done this.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    When my Opal Galaxy has an 115k bid and the Auction House glitch kicks in:

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Portland sends me an offer

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:31 PM PDT

    Anyone else thinks its painfully obvious that 2k devs are interfering with the auction house?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    I mean, theres rows and rows of lebrons with a current bid of upwards of 1.3 Million MT, and its been that way since the packs dropped yesterday. There is no way whatsoever that this many people have this much MT, and are buying the card. Same thing with shaq. My theory is that they're making high tier cards like shaq and lebron nearly impossible to buy in the AH for any remotely casual players, so you're forced to buy packs with god-awful odds. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Edhilton1
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    BALL MOVEMENT > “Dribble God”

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    For any new player or been playing for sometime on needing tips on how to get good. Here's one BALL MOVEMENT IS KEY.
    It's good to have dribble moves and ball handle. But having a excellent ball movement will dismantle your opponents defense. Pass that rock like the 2014 spurs damn it lol

    submitted by /u/VCthulhu
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    Concept for Nba 2k21 cover (wasn’t made on pc)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Anyone else feel like they run out of stamina fast now?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Almost as if they are forcing people to buy Gatorade smh

    submitted by /u/No-NSFW-
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    My 2k20 NBA Rebrands and Expansion Teams (20+ teams)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Decided to post all of the uniforms I've been doing. It's a lot…. 20 different teams, and between jerseys, alternate sets, and courts, it's over 250 images. So I spread it out. These are all uploaded under the GT NBA2kDesigns (used the free name change on an alt account when I was running out of room on my normal account)

    First things first, the team I use: the Seattle Supersonics. There's a lot of versions here. Besides the 11 different jerseys there, there's also a version with red more akin to the 90's uniforms, a similar one without yellow, one with Seahawks Colors, and one with Mariners Colors. It's extremely excessive (especially since I'm not even a Mariners or Seahawks fan). The other teams aren't anywhere near this many.

    Now, the NBA rebrands:

    Utah Jazz - The idea was basically to make versions of their awesome city uniforms, but in colors closer to the 90s. Not really a unique idea; a lot of other people have had a similar vision. I later saw this post, which is similar but with very different details and execution.

    Sacramento Kings - Got the logo from this post by Stephen Bannick and built from there; really just wanted to get the gray out of their uniforms and add more black back in. The stripe on the side is meant to look like a sword.

    New York Knicks – Wanted something that came across as very traditional. So, the changes are minimal. The blue is a lot darker, and white became more of a cream. Logo (and colors) are based off the Knicks' 70th Anniversary Logo).

    Orlando Magic – Wanted something reminiscient of the 90's uniforms, but while I liked how "Orlando" looked, the old "Magic" wordmark looked too goofy to me. So I made a new logo. Kept the default courts, because I like that the court changes to the black paint with blue pinstripes when I use the black jersey on the set. I'd probably prefer to use the Pattern 5 pinstripes instead of Pattern 1, but them not changing colors (consistently) kinda screws that up).

    Dallas Mavericks - Navy and Dallas Mavericks - Royal. Got the basic uniform idea for the home and road from u/SkylerinDallas at this site (top ones). I got the logo (and the idea for the alt) from this post. When 2k finally gave us the ability to change accessory colors (there was a way to change road and alt colors, but not home before), it allowed me to make a lighter blue version that I now use instead of the navy.

    New Orleans Pelicans – It's the Pelicans current uniforms in Mardi Gras colors. Get's kind of funky if you're zoomed in to close because 2k does a weird job with uploaded uniforms in bright colors; they'll look fine in the uniform editor, but in game get really splotchy.

    Toronto Raptors 1 (Red and White "North" Style) and Toronto Raptors 2 (Purple and Red "North" Style) – Took the "North" style jerseys they wore the last couple years and changed the chest logos to say "Toronto" and "Raptors" instead of "North", but kept the overall look. And then did the same thing in the purple and red colors. There's also a third design I took from pretty far down this page.

    San Antonio Spurs – it's the Spurs' uniforms in Fiesta colors. Similar to the Pelicans, this one doesn't look great too up close. It's actually a little more noticeable than on the Pelicans. I threw this one up here, but I actually don't use it.

    Oklahoma City Thunder – I found this logo and built from that. This was the third version. The first was a bright red, almost orange, yellow, and super dark gray, and then there's a bright blue and yellow version (suffered from the same light color issues the Pelicans and Spurs do). Settled on this because I think the colors suit the logo, and they're unique to the NBA. There's also a non-pinstriped version.

    And now for the more original designs:

    St. Louis Clydesdales – this was a request from someone. They wanted a Clydesdales team with a font similar to the Budweiser font. So I found a font called "Brewmaster" and a horse logo, did in the basic colors of the can, and called it good.

    Montreal Dragons – Fun fact, "dragon" is the same in English and French. I thought that would be cool for such a bilingual city. I wanted to use this color scheme for something, and this is where it went.

    Hawai'i Honu – Found a cool turtle logo and made it gradient. It's Seattle Dragons colors, and the stripe is part of a tattoo design I found, iirc.

    Louisville Legion – Colonels Is banned term for some reason, so I went with Legion, since it was a militia in the late 19th century. The logo is from an etsy page selling a decorative metal thing with that design.

    Vancouver Orcas 1 and Vancouver Orcas 2 – they're similar except the second one has red to more closely resemble the Vancouver Grizzlies. The stripe on the shorts is part of a Haida tattoo design I found, and the main logo came from this post about a development football league.

    Las Vegas Scorpions – found the logo first, and couldn't decide what to do with it for a while. The colors are pretty Vegas, I think; similar to the Vegas Golden Knights and the XFL 1.0's Outlaws.

    Las Vegas Neon Scorpions – same logo, but with super bright, neon colors against black. Almost looks like Tron to me. Color ideas came from the Las Vegas Lights, a minor league soccer team.

    San Diego Seals - Among other things, San Diego is known for it's beautiful coastline, Sea World, and the navy. The Seals bring that all together (Coronado is also the base of many of the SEAL teams). The San Diego Seals are also a lacrosse team in San Diego. The logo came from this post about a Vancouver Sea Lions nba team; I removed the ears to make it a seal. Personally, I move the Clippers to San Diego and rebrand them as this.

    Cincinnati Silverbacks – wanted to do something with this color scheme, and worked from there. And then I saw someone joke about a team named the Cincinnati Harambes; so I went with Silverbacks.

    St. Louis Spirits – Revival of an ABA team. Updated the logo a bit, but it's still pretty similar. There are two versions; one that emphasizes black more and one that doesn't.

    Kansas City Tornadoes 1 – Couldn't for the life of me think of a really good name for a KC team, so I just went with Tornadoes. This color scheme is literally the same as my Xbox Controller; pulled the colors off of a photo of it. I was pretty happy with how the logo turned out.

    Kansas City Tornadoes 2 – same basic template, but in different colors. The Road uniform is supposed to be like a "yellow brick road" alternate. And the alternate is supposed to be like a Superman deal. And then the home is just to match the colors.

    Pittsburgh Vultures – The Pittsburgh Condors were an ABA team, but for some reason "Condors" is banned language. So went with Vultures and changed it to the Pittsburgh Black and Gold color scheme.

    That's all of them. I'm pretty happy with how most of them turned out. There's some flaws I still notice; just had to fix the Knicks because I discover that the Arena logo, while it looks good in Broadcast Cam, looked really crappy in 2k cam. And just redid all the Sonics because I discovered that a couple of them suffered from the same bright color issues that plagued other uniforms; so I simplified the fonts. I'll probably make other small adjustments throughout the year (I think I can do better with the Thunder, at least), and maybe I'll think of a couple other ideas, but for now I think I'm about done.

    submitted by /u/IndianaGnomes
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    Amazing shot I got of Kyrie and Nique on the 86 Hawks. 31 year old Kyrie signed in myleague in the year 2022.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Lob honey dip dunk over someones head. I have no words.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    This game is broken.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:17 PM PDT

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