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    Monday, April 27, 2020

    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 27, 2020

    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 27, 2020

    MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - April 27, 2020

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:05 PM PDT


    This is a daily thread for MyTEAM with hundreds, if not thousands, of comments every day and is the best place to ask questions pertaining to your cards or lineup. In addition, this thread is used for general discussion, price checks, and pull showoffs.

    How do I ask for lineup suggestions?

    Display your lineup using a site like 2KMTC or take an in-game screenshot and upload it to Imgur.

    Along with the link to your lineup, include your platform (ex. XB1 or PS4), MT available to spend, and questions you have. The more information you include, the easier it is for others to help you.


    Useful Sites:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    r/NBA2K 2K20 Feedback & 2K21 Wishlist - Vol. 16 (sent to 2K)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Thread Guidelines (READ THIS FIRST)

    1. High-effort items are more likely to be selected for the final list. Make sure you are clear and easy to understand. For bugs, include instructions to recreate and screenshots/videos. For suggestions/wishes, provide reasoning.
    2. One item per comment. Do not put an entire list in one comment, that makes it difficult for others to vote.
    3. Specify which category (below) your feedback falls under.
    4. Categorize your item as a bug, suggestion, or wish. Suggestions are for 2K20, wishes are for 2K21.
    5. Items that were selected will be listed in this post and in our archive. Don't submit repeat items, please check the archive first.
    6. Tweets here and here with official support, thanks LD2K :)



    • 2K21: Different jumpshot animations should give players release timing preference but no other advantages. If every jumpshot had the same green window, it would make the game more fair (and also get rid of people experiencing placebo complaining about nerfs/buffs).


    MyCAREER — MyPLAYER (Attributes/Badges)

    • Bug (old): Every patch fixes it for a few more people, but we still see posts every day about custom jumpshots resetting unless they buy all components of their shot.

    MyCAREER — MyPLAYER Nation

    MyCAREER — NBA Career

    • Bug (old): For some players, their MyPlayer and the rest of the starting lineup never gets subbed out. Issue arises after playing MyPLAYER Nation.

    MyCAREER — Online (Neighborhood/Park/Pro-Am/Rec)

    • Bug (old): After a squad server changes using the subway, they cannot start games in the new server.
    • Bug (old): Many Pro Bronze Pro-Am teams say they can't find games. If there's not enough teams in that tier to play, they should be able to match up/down.
    • 2K21: Personality badges for online modes based on recent play. If you over-dribble and don't pass, you get the Ballhog badge. If you have a high assist ratio, you get the Unselfish badge. If you quit games, you get the Quitter badge. If you fight til the bitter end, you get the Warrior badge. (etc.)
    • 2K21: Add the ability to bring reserve MyPlayer builds into Rec/Pro-Am games and add stamina as a factor. This idea will need some balancing. Example -- Your reserve must be the same position as your starter. The reserve is capped at the same rating as your starter for fair matchmaking.




    submitted by /u/yyy2k
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    Just as I though that the ball drop couldn't get worse...

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    The Last Rebound

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Im speechless

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Tacko’s true potential

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    This just shows how animation based the game is.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Make sure you don't forget to play trivia tonight

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Rodman ... u good ?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Excuse me???

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    2K logic Position Locks 2

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Bit late to the party but I finally did it ��

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    This is so infuriating

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    I mean it’s infuriating

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Everyone in the subway to find parks with people on the 5v5

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Trying to find a game on the 5v5 like

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Non-redundant complaints about 2k20 (long)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    I've become so disillusioned with the direction these games have gone recently. While the gameplay has always been a bit simplified, it now seems like a widespread choice to cater this game to up-and-comers (<15yr olds) who don't know the nuances of basketball. Some A lot of issues I have:


    AI off-ball cutting: How many of you have been in this situation before? You're driving between the elbows and you have a wing running to the corner. Right as you're passing it, your wing (no matter how well they shoot it from deep) cuts baseline under the basket, RIGHT BEHIND a defender, who steals the pass. This runs so against everything today's NBA is about, and you're essentially helpless once you touch the button.

    Dribbling animations: Aside from the dreaded dribble off an opponents elbow or shoe (which, obviously, almost never happens IRL), the double team animations need a revamp. The AI uses the double way too much as it is, but there's a huge problem in the way they're executed. Often, the doubling animation will start before the second defender even gets to you, leaving you unable to pass, and more likely to turn it over. Essentially, the ballcarrier is then reacting to a double that hasn't even arrived, an invisible wall.

    Doubles cont.: No matter if you have great shooters 1-4, the other offensive players don't always actually space the floor when the ballcarrier is being doubled. Few things are more frustrating than a stupid AI double, and the wide open wing running to the ball (before help would ever be needed) to prevent you from even kicking it to an open guy.

    Edit: Don't even get me started on the mechanics of the crowd. There's so much potential for immersion there (such as getting them to scream defense when their team is actually guarding the ball, not staying silent when I dunk in transition/make an and-1) and the inconsistency/lack of logic is horribly frustrating and non-immersive.

    Strategy: Since there's a lack of options for defensive and offensive approaches (only straight up man, basic zones, etc.) we should be given the ability to add nuances to these basic approaches. That way, if they don't feel like adding a realistic amount of defenses/offenses to the game, we can customize them how we see fit. Even just a play creator (which was inexplicably removed years ago) would help tremendously.

    My Career: I'll be honest, I think the mode actually took a positive direction this year. Archetypes/player progression were structured much more fairly. Though, there's still a fundamental problem at the heart of the mode. It's the fact that players who have no interest in park, pro-am, or really just the neighborhood in general are forced to make their players under that umbrella, or in a way that accommodates players who do care about online. I realize that first group isn't the majority, or anywhere close, but it restricts the amount of options one really has to make a player.

    MyTeam: This, in my mere opinion, is where all of the worst things about 2k really bears its ugly head. First of all, there's too much neon/bright lights/special effects garbage. I don't mean to offend anyone, but this mode is so blatantly catered towards ten year olds that it's actually insane. I mean, I don't have any interest in playing a game of plinko in a basketball team-building mode. The neon/bright lights/juvenility of the mode is even seen in the literal tiers they use for the cards (amethyst, galaxy opal, and like 10 others). To an extent, this is a tactic used by devs in all UT modes, but, as 2K tends to do, they just take their appeals to your parents' wallet to the most blatant, unapologetic level. Also, the economy of the mode is so inflated with crazy, gimmicky cards with no weaknesses (Limitless Range Shaq? That shoots like a guard from FT?) that it gets rid of all the strategy in the game. It's unplayable when it's a whole team of cards with almost no exploitable weaknesses. I also feel like my guys are playing on soft sand every time I go online. Not to mention, we'll probably never get a salary cap mode, as the ONLY WAY TO PLAY WITH YOUR TEAM IN A NORMAL GAME ONLINE is the way with no card restrictions. I mean really, how hard would a salary cap mode be to put in? Their whole philosophy with the mode just doesn't make sense. They literally make you grind for simple things like auction house, and when you do get to it, you can easily acquire OP cards unless you're in the first two-three months of cycle. I wish they'd do what MUT did @ birth of next gen, with MUT 13 to MUT25, where they made crazy, gamebreaking cards super rare and hard to obtain, for almost the entire cycle. There was actually strategy in the game that way.

    Moneygrabbing: They've literally gotten so lazy that they don't even show you the correct answer when you get a 2KTV question wrong. But more broadly, their pop-up ads for VC (not to mention when they're literally on video screens in the actual game) and THEIR COMMERCIALS are so vain and inane. I feel more like I'm playing a free app from the App Store than a console game I paid in full for.

    2K Team: They are just the worst. What other popular game shoves "personalities" down your throat like this every time you try to play a game? Like just load into another shootaround or a competent pre-game show, or at least give us the option. Not to mention, these guys (LD2K and Ronnie specifically) are just awkward (even relative to other people in similar positions). You would think, given how much we are forced to see them, that they would be more receptive and quick to respond to community grievances. Instead, many things that are very patchable mid-release aren't addressed until the next 60$ pop. Similarly, game-breaking/super annoying glitches and errors (if you've been playing long enough, you know what I'm talking about) almost always aren't released until the next patch would normally come along. The increasing lack of transparency is also a major point of concern for me. Mike Wang is one of the rare, consistent counterexamples of this, but there's really vague patch notes, and almost no opportunity for dialogue for discussing these changes and what they mean.

    In short, their MO is all about being ignorant of potentially large flaws in the game and our playing experience, and then making small fixes. I know people have heard the saying: "Why cure X disease, when you can give people drugs and charge them every step of the way?" Well, this is EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING. And ironically, the micro transactions are actually the best example of this. We've been complaining about them, in pretty large numbers, for about half a decade. And they make small consolations, like "making haircuts free" (which, sure enough, should've never been something they charged for in the first place). Edit: It also should've been fairly obvious to these devs how the community would react to being charged for virtual haircuts. The key here, they market these scale-backs in the pre-release as: "We've listened to you about the micro transactions, they'll be dialed back a lot this year" when it's a small amount of change, but enough for some people to notice and be satisfied, because they're just happy there was change at all.

    Bottom line: Firstly, thank you to anyone who took the time to read any part of this. I'm not a huge part of this community for the reasons I just mentioned, which is why I reached out on this sub. I'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback. And unlike when you hear that phrase at 2K, I'm not kissing up to you so you'll spend money on my product. But, for the record, I think 2K's actually a pretty decent game, and I believe this iteration is much better than many of its predecessors. I just get frustrated with the direction of the modes and overall philosophy of its developers. I know microtransactions are part of our reality as gamers now, but they're only continuing that slide by being more aggressive and shameless in advertising theirs than anyone else. If they keep this up, they could be setting themselves up for a huge fall from grace. All EA and NBA Live have to do is keep steadily improving their product.


    submitted by /u/Right-Practice
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    Trivia sucks, literally did this after the second question.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    My first go grind

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    so basically my friend told me if i made a full court shot with shaq i would get his galaxy opal yao ming, keep in mind my friend said he would have a 3% chance of making this.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Finally got my 6’5 SG to a 99.9, thoughts?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I’m aware this is very basic but, can I just say how satisfying put back dunks are.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    WWYD if he showed up at your door at 2am

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Full Diamond Shoe Guide by Attribute

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hey guys, here's a full Diamond shoe guide by attributes. It includes all Diamond shoes as of today. This has helped me out a lot and I hope it helps you all as well. It's completely free and in pdf format. Here's the link:


    I also made it in video format with some of my favorite combinations. You can look for the video guide on YouTube.

    submitted by /u/PackGod_5
    [link] [comments]

    Became a god

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Look what I got from my free login pack!

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:43 AM PDT

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