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    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - February 02, 2020

    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - February 02, 2020

    MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - February 02, 2020

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:06 PM PST

    This is the MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice megathread.

    All of the following belong here: General Discussion, Lineup Suggestions, Should I Keep/Sell?, Player Price Questions, etc.

    If you are asking for advice, include the following information: Platform (XB1/PS4/PC/NSW/Stadia), Current Team, and MT Available to Spend. You can use a site like 2KMTCentral to easily display your current team. The more info you include, the easier it is for others to help you.

    Here are some helpful links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If this ain’t the truth.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Probably one of my cleanest moves in the rec

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    2006 Fox Sports Network Scoreboard Preview for NBA 2K19 & 2K20 (PC only)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Giannis wit the limitless range

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:12 PM PST

    I was bored and decided to make a list of flaws and suggestions for nba 2k20, feel free to let me know some i should add or any u agree/disagree with

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Major Flaws

    • Pump fakes on layups are completely broken, leaving you in a canned animation resulting in a block or miss most of the time.
    • MyGM has a mode-breaking glitch where no one progresses, only regresses
    • The CPU often morphs through players on drives and layups.
    • The CPU has a small but nevertheless unfair advantage on the offensive glass but a noticeable advantage on the defensive glass with blocks and altering layups that should seemingly go in
    • The length it takes to get into a park game is so long that the fact that it isn't being improved is beyond me (see recommendations)
    • It is close to impossible to get a set shot after dribbling and stopping for a couple seconds. Why do i have to lean on shots that do not need to be?
    • CPU has a huge, unfair advantage on lobs, they make it 99% of the time, even when fully contested.
    • The park is the exact same as last year, this is major because people are beginning to get bored. I like what u did with events and the weather cycles, but it's layout is too similar.
    • Clicking "x" for a steal sometimes makes the player stumble across the court for some odd reason
    • The CPU blows by the player unnaturally very often

    Minor Flaws

    • Computer generated draft classes are too weak, resulting in bad first season rookies which is not the case in real life, also with too low of an overall at the end of their career.
    • Rebounds this year, while not bad, could use some improving as players seem to be sometimes dumbfounded when the ball is coming their way and forget how to catch.
    • Dunk Contest is horrible. The CPU never misses a dunk and it's too hard to actually get a dunk of your own. Make it more like the real life dunk contest and do not let the computer make every single dunk as well as make it easier for the player to make a dunk.

    Big Recommendations

    • Matchmaking in Park is something i desperately want. It is absolutely too hard and time consuming to play park games especially when you do not have many friends who play it. I would like to see a place where you can enter and it will matchmake you to a park game almost exactly like the ruffles event, while still having the neighborhood as an option.
    • Rework the personality system and make it have a huge impact on the court. for ex. have a badge where they will argue with the refs which will get them a tech. (This would add tech fouls) or one that has an advanced clutch personality where they are better offensively in clutch situations (I know clutch shooter exists and ice in veins) Have different levels so say you have the badge that makes you get more techs, the higher the level, the more techs you get. Maybe also categorize them as bad personality traits and good personality traits.
    • Faces of generated players can be downright horrifying and the characteristics don't match with ethnicity ie wider noses for african americans or longer thinner noses for caucasians
    • Now that next-gen is coming up, we should fully expect far more realistic graphics including the players, crowd, objects, etc.

    Small Recommendations

    • Allow us to put tattoos on custom made players as well as randomly generate them with tattoos in draft classes or anywhere else they may be generated.
    • Better facial expressions, they already have nice facial expressions but they aren't really realistic or dramatic
    • Make a hand size option which can contribute to better caught passes that were other wise hard to catch as well as one handed rebounds that the player must swat to catch.
    • Posterizing alley-oops
    • Bring back rookie report for MyCareer
    • More hairstyles, they are surprisingly lacking in creativity, a lot look almost identical.
    • When a player is angry, they should be in an animation with the ref of at least facing them.
    • Custom body types for created players and auto generated players.
    • I think this is big, but i'm keeping it in the smaller category because i'm not really sure about it. I think that for 2v2 and 3v3 park games, the height advantage should shrink a tad bit since there is more real estate per person, which can and is easily abused.
    • Auto generated draft classes are alittle too weak, increase the potentials.
    • Add a big variety of referees.
    • Have CPU teams relocate in MyGM and MyLeague.
    • Keep player faces in menus up to date, rookies still don't have their faces and the faces are from 2k19 still.
    submitted by /u/shaaaakyt
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    NBA 2K21 Cover Concept (Controller Concepts in Comments)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    Apologies if this was posted already, but the daily 500 VC checks from the agent's office is working again.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Blue arrows

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Ima sound like a noob now but what does the blue arrows mean in the circle of your my player?😅

    submitted by /u/ARiGAT00
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    How to score in the the paint as a BIG: A guide on how to be an efficient paint scorer

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Earlier this year I wrote a piece on how to stop the behind the back dribble move that gained a fair bit of traction and now that it has been removed from the game, I've set my sights on what I perceive to be the next biggest issue gameplay wise in nba 2k20 : the ability for big men to finish consistently in the paint.

    Although I always have multiple builds, I consider myself a center because that's what I tend to run most often, specifically a post scorer. This year in my opinion has been the most difficult for centers to consistently finish inside in recent memory. I wanted to help my fellow under appreciated big men out there on what badges, attributes and moves you should be using to your advantage to score consistently at the rim.

    This post will be a lengthy, in depth analysis of the reasons why inside scoring is so difficult, and how to combat this. I would suggest to read the whole thing to understand the full picture, but I'll will post a TLDR summary for those who love brevity. For those wondering, I am currently a SS3 with a 73% win rate in park with 2,000 games while playing with randoms and one friend. Not the best player by any means, but I can help out those struggling. Let's begin!


    This post does not apply to the more athletic, rim running finishers, although you may pick up a thing or too. This is for those looking to score from under and around the basket. So why is this game so unforgiving to bigs? Two badges have completely transformed paint defense this year: Intimidator and Pogo Stick. Unlike past 2ks, you don't have to be a defense oriented center to absolutely lock up the paint. These two badges allow you to get phantom contests from the other side of the basket and allow you to contest shots consecutively. While I would like intimidator to be reworked and pogo stick to be removed entirely, they look to be in the game for the foreseeable future. Most centers will run this combo, so how do we beat it?!


    There is no one build that I would suggest to be the best center in park, any build can succeed in the right hands. But there are a few things I would tell any big to have regardless of their build to have if they intend to score in the paint.

    These would be:

    99 strength( Or as high as you possibly can, I wouldn't suggest anything below 90).

    60 Post hook ( I love my 93 hook but I was able to hook fine when it was just a 60 so that would be my minimum).

    3 playmaking badges for Gold post spin technician, although at 7 I have a perfect setup in my opinion.

    Lots of other things are important, such as a good post fade rating or the ability to space the floor, but these aren't necessarily must haves.


    While I run a Interior force with 18/17/7/9, any center build with more than 10 badges in the finishing category will suffice. If you have less, send me a message with your build and I can help you try and develop a setup for your build.


    Here is the setup you want to employ:

    Gold Dropstepper Gold Backdown Punisher Gold Contact Finisher Silver Consistent Silver pro touch

    If you have more badges or are a finishing build with the ability to have HOF badges, bump up all these to HOF and Gold respectively. I have used every finishing badge imaginable and this is a variation of the setup I run in both park, rec and pro am. This allows you to post up, drop step, hook shot and finish at the rim with contact.


    Gold Post spin technician

    Optional: Gold Dream Shake

    Most of you know post spin technician is great, but are probably wondering why I put on Dream Shake, it must be trash! There's a reason every good big on the all time rosters has gold dream shake, it's amazing for inside scoring. If you only have 3 and want to use it on Dream Shake I wouldn't stop you.


    So how do we combine all of these badges to create buckets? The key is to read your opponent. I want you to do 3 things to start the game.

    1. See what build they are

    I'd say 80% of centers I play are glass locks or paint beasts. Although these aren't all the same exact builds, it's important to see what they are. A glass cleaning lockdown could be either a pure defensive build, a playmaking defender, or a sharp rim. Once you see their build, you have to quickly determine what exact build they are. If they go on offense, watch what they do. If they spam screens: probably a pure defender. Picking and popping or sitting wing? Sharp rim. Sitting corner and throwing great passes? Play defender. Knowing their build allows you to have a general idea of their strengths and weaknesses on both ends, but specially paint defense. The sad truth is most centers will have HOF intimidator or at least gold, but no reason to get deterred!

    1. Read how they react on defense on the first Possession

    Do they switch screens? Do they aggressively hedge screens? Do they spam jump blocks or are they disciplined shot blockers? You have to see how they play defense and plan accordingly. The biggest problem I see with other bigs is how they attack me with the same mover, over and over and wonder why it doesn't work. This isn't 2k19, you can just spam dropsteps anymore, you need an array of moves.

    1. Know your teammates builds strengths and weaknesses

    Whether your running with randoms or your best friend, it's important to know what your teammates can do. Rookie 1 85 overall two way slashing play pg, I'm going to take a guess and say he probably can't consistently shoot. All star 3 97 sharp facilitator sg? I hope to god he can shoot or you're in danger. Either way, you have to know your squad. If they can't shoot, your getting double teamed every play. If they can at least hit a mid range, we'll then you are going to be cooking with gas. While playing the big is the most unselfish position on the court, sometimes you have to pass out of the paint even if you haven't taken a shot. It's a thankless job, but it's honest work. The amount of centers I see who try to go up and over 2 or 3 defenders is astounding.


    Hook shot #4 (Kareem's Skyhook)

    "This is cheese, hooks are corny, centers are trash." I've gotten every insult you could think of, when you're killing somebody with hooks it sure does anger them, because there is nothing they can do about it baby. A center guarding a good pg? That's a wrap and he's probably getting cooked, and rightfully so. A baby guard or a 6'11 shooting glock guarding my 7'3 big? That's barbecue chicken alert. Go to your mycourt and practice this move religiously and I promise you will see results.

    When do we use the sky hook? If you have a significant height advantage or they are sitting under the rim? Skyhook. Hands up D and not jumping? Skyhook. Don't spam this move, or you will pay dearly. Employ it correctly and it can be one of the best moves in your arsenal. This move is significantly improved by pro touch, deep hooks is great but is overkill in my opinion unless you have a plethora of badges. Backdown punisher also helps you create space to be able to hook.

    Backdown Punisher and Dropstepper

    While the backdown and Dropstep has thankfully been nerfed from last year, it's still is a very good move if used correctly. But when do we use it? If you begin to backdown your defender and they offer little to no pushback and you are bullying them, that means either their strength is low or they lack moving truck and post move lockdown or in some cases both. This is where that 99 strength comes into play. You back them down to the position you want to be in, switch ball hands if you have to. Make sure they are playing one hip aggressively so that you create even more space, don't just do the move it has to be purposeful. After you complete the dropstep, either go for a dunk by holding both sticks and the right trigger towards the rim if you have the positioning/energy, or go for a standing layup. For dunks, contact finisher helps you succeed and for the layups depending on the timing will trigger either pro touch or consistent finisher. Be careful of those with a high pogo stick and intimidator, make sure to time those layups!

    Shimmy fade (Preference but pick the one with the most wiggle similar to hakeems Dream Shake)

    While it's not necessary to have a high post rating, it sure does help. Even if you have one shooting badge, this move will help you. Why? Because this move brings out the worst in defenders and most will tend to jump them selves out of the play, allowing an easy up and under. If you don't know how to post fade or up and under, visit the 2ku and the practice these in your mycourt. This is where Dream Shake shines. While it sometimes triggers on pump fakes, it always triggers on up and under on this shimmy fade. If anyone doubts the effectiveness of this move, I can post some clips when I get home from work, I promise you this is the most underrated move in the game because centers aren't used to guarding it.

    Post spin

    So what if the center is strong, doesn't allow backdown and can defend well? Got a move for that too. Instead of rolling the stick like the 2ku suggests, you want to just hold up on the left stick and let go of the post up animations and it's a lot faster and works better against stronger defender. Once you get around them, either go straight up with it, reverse layup, or pump fake and take the easy 2. This move is strengthened by post spin technician, Dream Shake and either consistent finisher or pro touch depending on the timing.


    Gold backdown punisher Gold dropstepper Gold contact finisher Silver pro touch Silver consistent finisher

    HOF and gold those if you can

    Gold post spin or Gold Dream Shake or both of you can

    Hook shot 4

    Shimmy fade similar to Hakeems Dream Shake

    Backdown and dropstep

    Post spin

    Do you agree or disagree? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask away as you can tell I'm very bored at work.

    submitted by /u/DevitoLibido
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    Magic Passing

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:36 PM PST

    Why is AI trade logic so bad?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:37 PM PST

    Denver has essentially traded away everything to get a stable of centers consisting of Jokic, Gobert, Adams, and Bol in my career. I don't recall ever seeing weird shit like this in any other sports game (madden is kinda iffy on player valuation). MLB the show is a great example. You can comb thru the rosters and almost guarantee "ok those guys are gonna trade for an outfielder, those guys are gonna load up on pitching". But Denver, nah man we don't need wings at all, let's just run five 7 footers.

    submitted by /u/Iwillbeheard3829
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    2k really need to fix some things on pc lmao

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    What’s that logo mean? (Xbox)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 11:37 PM PST

    Just got the Gym Rat badge heres how.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST

    I played a total of 48 regular season games all in a row. I read you only need 45 (non consecutively) I did 48 cause that's where I was when I decided to sim the rest of the season. I get to the playoffs and played the first game reading here on the 2k subreddit that I needed to play all the playoff games. I then proceeded to sim the remainder of my games after the first game via loading into the match then simming out right after the ball was tipped off with no VC of course thus only having played one playoff til I reached the finals. I played 5 finals games having lost once and I won finals mvp as well and received the Gym Rat badge upon completion. By the way Im an Allstar 3 if you were wondering.

    submitted by /u/BadAdviceGiverer
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    Outside shooting is way too easy on this game

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:32 PM PST

    What's the point of even trying to play defense if literally everybody can green from 30 feet off the bounce as soon as they get even the smallest window of space?

    But god forbid a 7 foot center try to go up while underneath the rim with only a guard nearby. You can guarantee that you're getting a layup animation and it's not going in.

    Shit's not even fun man, everyone does the same thing, no one tries to be original.

    submitted by /u/masingo13
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    Why isn’t Ginobili on All Time roster?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:23 PM PST

    85 rebounding gold rebound chaser and glass takeover btw

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:19 AM PST

    I don’t get subbed out and don’t have a stamina bar

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:40 AM PST

    While playing my career I don't get subbed out and don't have a stamina bar and it's shit cause it takes forever to play a game. So if you know how to fix it please help

    submitted by /u/beauleury
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    I made a 2006 Lakers/Raptors Roster!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:44 PM PST

    I made this post almost a day ago and I got 22 upvotes but not really any comments. So I assumed this wasn't a thing and I didn't see it on my PS4 in the created rosters.

    So after an hour of checking if any of the players on those 2 teams from 2k6 were in the game, which took a while, I found out that only 3 players were actually in 2k20. Chris Bosh, Kobe Bryant and surprisingly Aaron McKie.

    So the rest of the players I had to make myself and I tried to make them look like their 2k6 players (so a bit hard lmao) and some I took "twins" for by using the new DNA appearance thing, rather than editing the player to look like someone.

    I didn't want to waste too much time, as I had already spent an hour or more on the roster by the time I finished the starters. So I recommend playing this roster with NO FATIGUE for the best results. Its just 5 lakers vs 5 raptors.

    The lineup follows the same lineup as 2k6 with:


    • Aaron Mckie
    • Kobe Bryant
    • Lamar Odom
    • Kwame Brown
    • Chris Mihm



    • Rafer Alston
    • Jalen Rose
    • Mo Peterson
    • Chris Bosh
    • Rafael Arajuo

    The challenge: Try to beat the Lakers on Superstar/Hall of Fame as the Raptors, to make this harder, player lock on to one single player.

    To download on PS4, Just search my PSN on the user created roster finder: JayTuut

    It should be called lakersraptors2006

    submitted by /u/BasketballHighlight
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    I just broke Ja Morant...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:47 AM PST

    Getting VC

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:56 PM PST

    I'm grinding a build and it's at 77 ovr,which would be a faster way of getting vc, playing park where I get games often and win most of them(With my main) , Or just mycareer I get 750 per game without incentives

    submitted by /u/HauntedZay
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    Defensive Breakdown needs to be nerfed in park

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:28 PM PST

    Why tf I get defensive Breakdown for everything? Niggas be sitting there dribbling around with their 99 ball handling and cheesing tf out the game then shoot slightly earlies from halfcourt and making it. Defensive Breakdown needs to be reworked. No way should I ever be guarding a player from the half court line

    submitted by /u/cmarq07
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    "Defensive breakdown"

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:05 PM PST

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