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    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - March 03, 2020

    NBA 2K MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - March 03, 2020

    MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice - March 03, 2020

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:05 PM PST

    This is the MyTEAM General Discussion & Advice megathread.

    All of the following belong here: General Discussion, Lineup Suggestions, Should I Keep/Sell?, Player Price Questions, etc.

    If you are asking for advice, include the following information: Platform (XB1/PS4/PC/NSW/Stadia), Current Team, and MT Available to Spend. You can use a site like 2KMTCentral to easily display your current team. The more info you include, the easier it is for others to help you.

    Here are some helpful links:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    It’s only right. Mamba for the win ��

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Just pulled this card

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PST

    If you aren't happy..

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Was bored so I turned on an old save of 2k16.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Now I really see how 2k has had a massive downfall. The amount of areas that game is better not just in the gameplay but the other features too. You could actually make layups with one man contesting, playcalling was much easier, the shot meter for me is way better, but also some little things made the game much more enjoyable. There was no shitty ringers/ballers blacktop jerseys, quick draw was an animation setting instead of a badge, the player upgrade system is so much better compared to now. I feel like everything is so unnecessary complex in 2k20 compared to back then.

    submitted by /u/xxxtentacion34
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    Working on a new build when I’m reminded: of course this is still a thing

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PST

    So I’ve been working on post moves this week and here’s what I’ve found out

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:16 PM PST

    ...None of it matters when your defender has HOF intimidator. Game is an absolute joke.

    submitted by /u/mkzphreakk
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    Fun little thing that happened in MyLeague:

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:26 PM PST

    I thought I'd share this story as a little break from the usual on this subreddit to remind us all this game can be a lot of fun.

    I made an expansion team in Pittsburgh and got lucky enough to draft Zion Williamson. Couple games into the season we played Boston, and Jason Taytum got a dunk on Zion where Zion was literally face down after rolling on the ground, my fans popped and booed loud, and Taytum stood over Zion and flexes.

    A few plays later he fouled Andre Drummond and all hell broke loose. It triggered an animation where they sort of sparked at each other and teammates had to separate them. After that, our crowd booed every time he had the ball (which I didn't know was a feature), the commentators talked about how chippy the game was, and every time we dunked or made a play on Taytum, my guys flexed on him. We ended up winning by 39 and the day after Boston tried to trade me Taytum for Zion, which just made me smile.

    submitted by /u/Casual_WWE_Reference
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    Gotta love my excellent release reverse layup

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:01 PM PST

    When your ball hog teammate doesn’t get the ball every possession in Rec

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Change my mind on Rebounds

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:50 AM PST

    The top 10 drastic changes 2k21 needs to make. (I wouldn’t need to write this if they implemented #6)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:15 AM PST


    #10 Fix offensive and defensive 3 seconds in park and rec

    #9 Enable multi-player mycareer

    #8 Reduce foul limit in park from 5 to 3

    #7 Put 2klabs out of business

    #6 In-game surveys, polls, or feedback system

    #5 Completely rework interior scoring and defense

    #4 Fix court dimensions and passing lane steals

    #3 Complete overhaul of badge system

    #2 Drastically improve servers

    #1 Complete overhaul of matchmaking system and drastically increase Pro-Am rep.

    Normally I start these off by saying I'm trying to start a discussion and not an argument, but I'm actually willing to argue about any of these, so feel free. The only thing I ask is that you explain how it makes the game BETTER. Don't just say "stop complaining about x", explain how x is actually improving the game.

    Quick overview of my perspective. I'm a SS3 with a 67 W% in park (1200 games) and 80% in rec (250 games). The vast majority of the park games are with randoms, and the rec games are a mixture of randoms and with friends. So I'm not a 2k god by any stretch, and I'm not a bum either. My rec team wins over 95% of the time, so I have experience being the sweaty squad that everyone hates as well as being on a team of randoms. I feel like I have more of a perspective of what it's like to be the average 2k player. I'm buying 2k21 and NBA Live 21 no matter what next year, but after that I'm sticking with one or the other. Here's 10 changes I feel 2k should make that would make the game better for the majority of players.

    #10 Fix offensive and defensive 3 seconds in park and rec.

    Offensive 3 seconds in park is actually 6 seconds. This lets bigs just camp in the paint for 5 seconds at a time either sitting under the rim for an offensive board or pump faking 100 times under you're under the rim. During Rush events they actually call 3 seconds at 3 seconds and it really cuts down on some of the post scorer cheese. Defensive 3 in the key should be added to park as well, but fix it (in rec also) so where you don't have to be hugging your man not to get it called. A defensive 3 seconds call would work just like a foul call. Combined with #8 on the list, that would cut down on the paint camping.

    #9 Add multi-player mycareer

    Personally, I hate court conquerer because it empties the park and I don't wanna play against AI. But there's no denying how popular it is. You should have the option of playing on your myplayer with friends against AI or even match up against your friend's team. It'd also be nice to be able to practice plays for your pro am team ect. The concern with this that I hear is people using it to cheese the game to progress their player faster, but you could nerf the progression in these games similar to how the cages are. (I had a 20 rebound game and got like 600 points towards defensive badges)

    #8 Reduce foul limit in park from 5 to 3

    I've played over 3000 park games between 2k19 and 2k20 and I have yet to see someone foul out. Players know they don't have to worry about fouling out and there are no free throws in park, so they can spam to their heart's content. Best case scenario, they get a steal. Worst case scenario, they stop your momentum or fast break. There's virtually no penalty for reaching right now. By reducing the limit to 3, you cut the number of fouls to give in half from 4 to 2.

    #7 Put 2klabs out of business

    This is not a shot at 2klabs. I think they do good work, their site is simple and helpful, and their videos are short and to the point. But the fact that they even exist is an embarrassment to 2k. Everything on their site plus more should be in the actual game and on 2k's website. There is so much information out there that is just handed down from word of mouth or by following the devs on Twitter. Detailed descriptions (including % increases) should be available for every badge and boosts. The event calendar should be online. The myplayer builder should be online. The cutoff height for the fast jumpshots ect should all be online and in the game. The game has been out for months and I still feel like I learn something new everyday, like being able to switch your match-up with up on RS. Also, EVERY JUMPSHOT SHOULD HAVE THE SAME GREEN WINDOW AND MAKE PERCENTAGE, so you don't have to pay some site to find the best one.

    #6 In-game feedback system.

    I saw this conversation on Twitter a few weeks ago and it deeply concerned me. https://twitter.com/imdavisss/status/1224875716879233024?s=21 Youtubers and their followers were trying to convince devs (I know LD2K isn't a dev) to bring back got next spots in rec cause they miss things like being able to walk around the gym in mascots. Imagine going from waiting 10 minutes for a park game to 45 minutes for a rec game. All so a youtuber can make a video like "5 Mascots took over rec and THIS happened!" Instead of using Twitter (or even Reddit) to get feedback for the game, why not get the opinions of everyone who plays the game by putting surveys and polls in the actual game (voluntary of course.) There are so many changes made to the game off the recommendation of these youtubers and their followers when they represent the vast minority. So much of the game is based on what happens on the 2s court when maybe 10% of players play 2s. I've never heard a single rec player complaining about post scorers being OP for example. The customer is not always right, so not everything should be majority vote, but right now there's no way for 2k to even know what their consumers want.

    #5 Completely rework interior scoring and defense.

    Note, I did not say buff/nerf interior scoring or buff/nerf interior defense. They are both broken right now and need to be redone from scratch. Hands up defense was OP in 2k19 (seriously, you shouldn't be able to make a post scorer or pure slasher miss just by putting hands up), but it's atrocious and borderline useless in 2k20. Get rid of the goofy hands up animations that move you out of the way and give almost no contest https://imgur.com/a/sEosLwC. Get rid of garbage badges like intimidator and pogo stick. Speed up post move animations. Make standing dunk as powerful as driving dunk and big man contact dunks as powerful as driving contact dunks. Increase the rating for big man contact dunks from 75 to 85 and stop letting every big man build get them. Since almost all centers can get it, big man contact dunks mean next to nothing. A pure red center shouldn't have 99 standing dunk. A shooting glock shouldn't get big man contact dunks. There should be a larger offensive gap between defensive and offensive centers. Get rid of the knee cap blocks and losing the ball on pump fakes. Fix putbacks. Fix post hooks. Just redo the interior from scratch.

    #4 Fix court dimensions and passing lane steals

    Passing lane steals are the #1 thing that ruins most players' 5v5 experience. One of the biggest issues is the fact that you literally spam steal while staying in the same spot. Passing lane steals should be a gamble. Pressing steal at the wrong time should take you out of position like pressing block does. A failed steal attempt should almost always result in an open man. It's also too easy for non defensive builds to get passing lane steals. The pg for my rec team has had multiple 10+ steal games on his min wingspan playmaking shot creator who has a sub 70 steal rating. The NBA today is so much about ball movement, but most comp 5v5 games end up being 4 people standing at the 3 pt line while the pg isos. That way the only pass is to an open man from the pg. It's the best way to avoid steals and it's incredibly boring for 8 out of the 10 players. The court dimensions also don't allow for much spacing.

    #3 Complete badge system overhaul

    This is probably the most controversial one on the list, and I blame it partially on YouTubers and this "grinding" culture. Yes, they are grinding by playing a video game because that's how they make money. But somehow the rest of us bought into this idea that a video game should be a grind instead of, idk, fun? I've been called lazy for not wanted to grind badges. LAZY for not playing enough video games?? Grinding badges is not fun for most players. I'd also argue that it's costing 2k money because why buy VC for a new build when you still have to grind badges? 2k should eliminate all of the badges that are just attributes in disguise (which are the vast majority). Rebound chaser, rim protector, pick pocket, unpluckable, tight handles, catch and shoot, contact finisher, the list goes on. Bring back attribute ratings like moving shot mid, contested threes, contact dunk, boxout, ect. Add additional attributes to help distinguish builds so everyone doesn't feel so similar. You should be able to have a complete and competitive build without a single badge. Then just have a few badges to differentiate your player. For example, badges like heart crusher or slippery off ball are rarely used because you need badges to actually hit shots and play defense. But if the attributes do that then the badges can be used as a fun luxury instead. Alot of people that I played with last year stopped playing this year because of the badge grind and they got tired of playing on the same player. The people who like grinding new players can still grind overall and vc, but everyone shouldn't be forced to grind a game that's for fun.

    #2 Improve the servers

    Pretty obvious here. I shouldn't have to learn a different jumpshot timing for every mode I play. I shouldn't be getting kicked from games and entire neighborhoods. I shouldn't have to wait forever for a pro am game or get stuck on the rec loading screen. Not all of this is the servers, but the game makes too much money to still have these fundamental gameplay issues. It's more of a surprise when an event works correctly than when it's broken.

    #1 Overhaul the Matchmaking system

    This has been discussed at length but that's because it's so important. Keep the neighborhood if you want, and add a matchmaking booth like rec or ruffles currently has. The idea of having to wait in a video game is ridiculous. But in addition to that, there needs to be a SIGNIFICANT difference in rep earned from Pro-Am/Ante Up games vs regular park/rec/new matchmaking games. Add a 2v2 and 1v1 Pro-am as well (separate bigs and guards). Pro-am should give you ATLEAST twice the rep of a rec game. Maybe more. Right now if you're playing for rep, you're better off beating up scrubs in rec than going to pro am where you might face some resistance. If Pro-am players got 3x the rep as rec and park players, then rep would actually mean more and park and rec could become the casual mode they were meant to be. When the game first came out, most of the comp players were in pro-am, so park was pretty nice for us casuals.

    Feel free to let me know what I missed, or what you agree/disagree with.

    submitted by /u/PayDBoardMan
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    Great sequence of events

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:14 AM PST

    One of my favorite moves to do on a fast break.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Are they just never going to add the player portraits for rookies?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:25 PM PST

    We still have the computer generated portraits for rookies when you view the rosters. It's such a massive pet peeve for me because it just makes the current rosters feel like they aren't even official.

    I know it's not a massive deal but does anybody have any insight on if that's ever going to happen?

    submitted by /u/Tanner_the_taco
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    This pass into a contact dunk

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:02 AM PST

    How can I play 2k at this time and have fun ?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:35 AM PST

    Hey Guys,

    I really need your help. Last year I played 2k19 with an Slashing/Rebounder PF, it was quite solid and I had my fun(98 Rating). With the release of 2k20 and the new Player build, I definitely changed my mind about 2k. I didn't played a game since yesterday. I couldn't get really into it, when you know what I mean. But surprise I got it yesterday for a couple bucks. My friends are playing it and I asked them about a build, but I'm too suspicious to believe them for it. So I'm asking the glory Reddit Community. I need a Slasher, I thought about a 3Pt Slasher, a Slashing Defender, Lockdown, Shot creating Slasher. PF or SF. Sorry for bad English, hope you can help me out ! :)

    submitted by /u/UrAverageHater
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    This touchdown pass to win the game ��

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PST

    How does my player suck so bad?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:52 PM PST

    I'm a 92 overall with 95 three point shot with 30 total shooting badges. I miss every 3 pointer I take, even ones that are wide open I miss. I don't understand am I doing something wrong here or do I just suck

    submitted by /u/Zali_10
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    Does anybody feel like Parks this year tend to be full of extremely high rep players way more than past years?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:01 PM PST

    I've played park pretty extensively since it was introduced in 2K14 (only game I didn't really play park was 2K18), and it just seems like every park is full of superstars and up very early in the game cycle

    Even in 3v3 Pro Am, which can be a fun mode is littered with these players. Once you get past amateur bronze I'd estimate about 7/10 games you play are gonna be played against high rep players.

    I don't mind playing high rep players, it wouldn't be fun to play bums all day. But, when you're constantly playing against players who seem to play all day it can get tiring.

    Why do you think this is? I don't feel like it's noticeably easier to rep up in this game compared to other games with rep like 16 or 17. So what do you think it is?

    submitted by /u/SmokeGuwop
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    a problem has been encountered that prevents gameplay from continuing [FIX]

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:15 AM PST

    So guys, i actually found a Fix for the recurring Error Code "a problem has been encountered that prevents gameplay from continuing". I dont know yet if the Fix is temporary or permanent but i still want to share it.
    Its actually pretty simple and no reinstallation is required. All you need to do is delete All NBA2k20 Save Files. The Files on your Harddrvie and the files in the Online Cloud.

    Afterwards you start the game as usual, since you erased your save Files you need to reapply your settings, but it should work afterwards, lemme know if this helped you

    submitted by /u/cryndo
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    The Rec just loads forever. Can’t play a game.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PST

    Anyone having this issue?

    submitted by /u/hollyw00dhustle
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    What’s the most laughable trash talk you’ve gotten?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PST

    my squad got off last night, so I decided to play w few 3s with some randoms. I'm a SS3 and ended up playing with two rookie's who were barely 80 overall. I tried setting them up all game, but obviously they can't hit a high percentage of open shots so I told them set me screens and roll and proceeded to just hit a bunch of 3s and we won.

    the other team plugs in their mics after the game and says I'm shit because I need to use screens and real ball players go ISO. I don't use screens with my squad when we play but regardless setting screens is basketball lmao. so what was the funniest shit talk you've received playing 2k?

    submitted by /u/Yakerrrrr
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    How do I get rid of this popup blocking all the team designs? 2k20 for PC

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:38 PM PST

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