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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    NBA 2K Played Rec with Chris Smoove and had the clutchest sequence of my 2K career...

    NBA 2K Played Rec with Chris Smoove and had the clutchest sequence of my 2K career...

    Played Rec with Chris Smoove and had the clutchest sequence of my 2K career...

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:37 AM PST

    Next Gen Shot Timing Zones Chart! For more info how i got this, look it up on NBA 2K Tutes Channel

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:52 AM PST

    Old heads unite

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:01 PM PST

    If you take a sense of pride in being an old head, stand up. Players say it like it is insult, as I constantly get board and run the point like I'm magic Johnson with my post playermaker. I let them now I've being playing 2k when they were still in they daddy's balls, before badges and we played with straight stats and ratings, so I know my way 2k

    submitted by /u/Mindless-Box-4373
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    2k has some of the most apparent latency I have ever experienced

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 01:05 PM PST

    2k has probably the worst online latency of any major triple-a online game i have ever played. It makes the game feel like you are constantly on ice at all times sliding around and one mistimed input can send your player flying across the court swatting at the air. Obviously you can learn to cope with this, but can anyone who may know a bit more about how online servers work explain why 2k online plays so awkward.

    submitted by /u/knights816
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    The way i was playing around with this Guy, honestly I don’t even know how I did those moves��

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:07 PM PST

    What does the ice mean next to my player? (I’m new to the game someone pls explain)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:45 PM PST

    99 ovr pain beast named Street Fighter on pc

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 04:53 PM PST

    If u are scrolling trough reddit we played on threes court with another scoring machinr and we had a 5 game streak so if u want to play sometimes hit me up and add me :)

    submitted by /u/Anteksks
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    Problems With MyNBA/MyLeague player tendencies and overall system

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    Honestly playing myleague/mynba is getting boring overtime because you will end up with almost similar combination of players in a roster that you know will be productive, 2k should really modify their tendency system, as their rating goes up they should be taking more shots, im tired seeing 85+ ovr that puts up 4ppg just because they had low tendency when they were 60ovr, also 2k overall system is pretty flawed as when a player gets old no matter how good they are they will have an overall drop the following season which doesnt make any sense, i had my 34 years old chris paul dropping 18 and 10 in a season and he gets -3 in the next season? How does that even makes sense...

    submitted by /u/fifamobilenoob
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    Since the first one did so well, here’s a compilation of the spin to step back, with a few other plays mixed in!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Maybe I’m nit picking but am I the only one who dislikes the weird filters 2K use on next gen for player pictures?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:51 PM PST

    Why is gameplay, park, rec not cross-platformed?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:38 PM PST

    Will have many more players to compete with, and park would always have a game going.

    So, why is it not?

    submitted by /u/OxymoronicallyAbsurd
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    Is shooting different in rec then in the park?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:23 PM PST

    Is shooting in rec different then in the park?

    submitted by /u/ItsAbe_NotGabe
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    I might get hate but whatever (sry about the texts,Ik that they are barely visible but it's the best that I could do) literally a guy called me "broke" cuz I play 2k20 lol

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Anybody play on Switch?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Thinking of getting this for my new Switch Lite to play while I'm at work. Is it worth it?

    submitted by /u/TomWaitsesChinoPants
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    2k's Matchmaking System Would be Completely Unacceptable in any other game

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:36 AM PST

    TL;DR - Individual rank system with sbmm would make game way better for players of all skill levels and solo players.

    For all 2k's issues (no interest in patching broken mechanics, inability to balance attribute categories, etc.) the largest issue is the lack of any true sbmm system.

    Imagine if rocket league had no rank system or sbmm, and you're an average player. Just based on the current rank distribution, you'd have a 30+% chance of going up against a team you have absolutely no chance of beating. That's what's currently true in 2k. The game is completely inhospitable to new/below average players, as you'd have a 50% chance or more of getting completely destroyed online. There's no other game where a new player's only option to play online gives them a good chance of going up against some of the best players online has to offer.

    The team rank system in pro-am is so poorly implemented it might as well not exist. Team's can easily reset their rank at any time, and they do, meaning that lower ranks are littered with great teams. Secondly, lower ranked teams still consistently get matched with much higher ranked teams.

    My group of friends that I play with are average at best. About a third of the games we play, we just have no shot. Players greening every deep 3 regardless of contest, perfectly connected 2-3 zones, the works. But it goes both ways. In another third of the games we play, we win no contest. Those games aren't really fun either. That means only about 33% of our games are even playable. It's a complete dice roll every time we load into park/rec, and we get destroyed every time we try pro am.

    2k needs to implement an individual rank system for sbmm. Let people acquire a rank from bronze to dark matter, scaling by my team card color or whatever, and have a mode where 5 man or 3 man teams are matched up based on rank, and then move up or down from winning and losing. If you play people around your skill, the cheese will be less frustrating, since you'd be going up against people who are theoretically just as good at it as you. Furthermore, an individual rank rather than a team rank would make the game way better for individuals. You'd actually get teammates at your level rather than complete pot luck that probably includes some bad players. 2k also wouldn't have to worry about matching squads vs squads, as individual ranks would allow teams of individuals to go against squads of similar skill. People can also display their rank as a point of pride or whatever when they hit dark matter. This would make the game way more fun for people of all skill levels. Right now, online 2k is only fun if you're really good at it.

    submitted by /u/mmg977
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    Am I really good? Or is this game way too easy?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    I love MyCareer and I've played it since 2k11. I have always played on Hall of fame 12 minute quarters and I try to play it as realistic as possible. I try to get the players to average realistic numbers by being a facilitator. This year I feel like it's almost impossible to lose a game. I've made a couple different builds and no matter what team I'm on, I win every game by 30 points. There's no challenge anymore...

    submitted by /u/Griffinshirar
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    Why are regular matches so unpopular compared to myteam/mycarrer?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:39 AM PST

    Sometimes I just want to find someone to play a regular match but it's impossible when all groups are filled with people asking who want to play park.. Anyone can explain to me why is it so hard to find someone who plays only regular games?

    submitted by /u/BonGiorno777
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    Still a lag in the city with park/rec games. Just me? What are your fixes other than updates? Will it ever get close to career mode?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:31 PM PST

    Online modes unplayable for me

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 02:16 PM PST

    Constantly got latency issues here in the UK and my opponents seem to be playing perfectly, I've got about a second delay between any input. It's not too bad in The City but after finally learning about myTeam (and spending money on packs 😂) every game is unplayable. Any ideas of what I can do to fix it?

    submitted by /u/FabianWavey
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    Green Bay Packers RB Aaron Jones in Rec Lobby

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    [PS5] Best release for a stretch 5?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:17 AM PST

    NBA 2K21Questions about certain badges.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:39 PM PST

    What are the requirements for Dimer, floor general, & Downhill? Also does anyone know the exact specifications of each? I know floor general gives +1, +2, +3 & +4 depending on which upgrade you have for it (bronze, silver, gold or Hall of Fame) but I dont know the shot increases for Dimer, or the speed in transition/with ball on fast breaks given by Downhill.

    Also, I thought dimer only worked on shots taken after the pass, yet I've seen the badge pop up when I pass it to a teammate for a finish... Any clarification? Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/yoCasual9360
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    Newb Question: how to get Penny Hardaway on myteam?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:13 PM PST

    Hey y'all. I haven't played 2K in years and with a new PS5, decided to get back into it this year.

    I just learning how to play MyTeam and was wondering how do u go about getting players for ur squad. Penny is my favorite of all time and would love to get him.

    I know I could prob go on YouTube to learn more but wanted to check w the Reddit fam first. Any and all help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jaeshellz
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    Fan counter in MyCareer

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:07 PM PST

    Is there a way to turn the in game fan counter and social media updates. I get tired if the camera always panning into the stands for 5 seconds and not getting to move my character into position

    submitted by /u/DSchiedeck
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