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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    NBA 2K Trae do you need to talk buddy?

    NBA 2K Trae do you need to talk buddy?

    Trae do you need to talk buddy?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    from what I’ve seen, these might be the best Guard Builds in 2K21

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    6'7" Pure Play 🟡 - 86 ball handle + potentially 99 speed and accel, 30 playmaking badges - might possibly be the most op guard build just because of the height and speed

    6'4" Play Sharp 🟡🟢 - overall elite offensive build which if made right can get up to 10 defense - safest build to make before meta is found

    6'5" Slash Play 🔵🟡 - one of the only good guard builds that can get contact dunks off rip (long wingspan), and speedboost with 86+ ball handle - a safe build to make before finding out the meta

    6'5" Play Lock 🟡🔴 - almost the same build as last year's 2-way slashing playmaker except you need to have max arms to get contact dunks (85) at 99 - if you go max arms, you only speedboost at 97 as your ball handle is 84

    6'5" Sharp Lock 🟢🔴 - one of the more underrated builds no one is talking about, and a very good all around build on both ends - elite shooting and defense allows you to play off the ball on the 3s and even play guard on 2s if you're skilled with dribbling on only 76 ball handle

    what will be your first build to play in the park in 2K21?

    submitted by /u/FlowsIV
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    Guess you can call me “Air” Jordan. ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I give to you the every man, average Joe, that old dude at the local rec build

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    gotta love when you get double teamed in the demo when no one even knows how to play

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Wishing 2k21 allows you to do this stuff intentionally (HOF)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    Everyone's so down on the shooting but it also means your opponents probably won't green EVERY shot like in 2K20...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    So is that actually a bad thing? You'll miss a few more shots but so will your opponents.

    Seems like this year may be more fun for the big men snaggin up all them boards.

    submitted by /u/dkrue84
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    2k21 demo CPU double teams are out of control.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    From the moment of tip off right when I get the ball the double team comes immediately. I understand if I scored 4-5 times in a row the cpu would start the double team. But right from the tip off? IN A GAME MODE DESIGNED FOR TESTING A BUILD!

    On top of that my cpu teammates do there best to help the defense. Center who can't shoot hangs out at 3 point line. Small guard shooter who is left wide open from three runs to the rim so he can be covered by a defender who is covering someone else.

    But wait! There's more!

    Even making the right pass to an open shooter they will almost always miss the wide open shot. And if they are wide open right next to the rim they hesitate a full 2-3 seconds and then go to the slowest animation and get blocked.

    My guess is that this is the devs cheap alternative to creating an intelligent AI that can play defense well enough to make the games competitive.

    submitted by /u/Poop_4_Breakfast
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    I just took 1000 pro stick shots in the demo: results/thoughts

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Background: I grinded to become a respectable shooter in 2k20 (stats below) but am sick of bricking due to park lag. Figured that 2k21 shot aiming would be a good way to counteract this, so I decided to get on some mamba mentality shit and start grinding shots in this demo.

    I shoot 50% 3PT in park but game conditions are different, so to set a baseline I took 100 shots on 2k20 mycourt. Greened 82/100. I shoot with X/square.

    Fired up 2K21 demo and put up 1000 shots with shot aiming in 2KU. Results:

    Green % (no white makes)

    14/100 24/100 17/100 19/100 18/100 18/100 19/100 23/100 25/100 19/100

    Thoughts: 1. God damn this shit is hard. Brick after brick eventually this shit started to hurt my feelings. 2. The target on the meter moves randomly every time, this just seems OD hard. So the skill isn't even pulling back straight, it's calibrating the aim every time 3. The target is small/hard to see on a TV. think you gotta play on a monitor for this to work right. Will try this later

    In conclusion I am normally a decent shooter but I still suck at shot aiming after 1000 shots. If you wanna go down this path you're gonna need to really put in the time. Imma give it a few more days but if I'm not at least 50% in 2KU before the game drops, I'm back to X.

    submitted by /u/ricosalvy
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    I’m going to hell ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Best build in the game. Don't @ me.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Cant believe I pulled a kings jersey from the daily reward

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I played on a 5’’7’ point guard this year. Here is a mixtape. Video is just a joke btw just some shots I hit

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    snatch block as a pure playmaker pg... max out that wingspan guys

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    What’s up with all these youtubers posting “FAKE” demi-god builds? And why do people still support this.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    You got every 2k youtuber talking about just made a Demi-God build... yet how can they even know when theres no rec or park. It's literally just clickbait. They'll be like it has this many badges!! And it never equals out to it. You have these guys literally make EVERY build imaginable claiming to be a DEMI-GOD... like if that's the case i'ma just make my own build, I don't need you since literally every build ever is a demi god. Also the WORST ONES... THE ONES I HATE THE MOST are the guys who literally be like "LEBRON JAMES" build, KOBE build, KD Build... and then the player comparisons are not those players or players that play even close to that. One guy literally said LEBRON JAMES BUILD yet made a PG... playmaking shot creator... like WHAT THE FUCK? And everyone in the comments was just like... not even realizing it. Another guy make a KD build... but it was a 6-4 SG slasher with 65 3pt 70 mid. I apologize for the rant it's just i go to youtube and it's literally all i'm seeing on my feed now. It's annoying and even when i unsub from all my 2k channels doing that it just shows me others.

    submitted by /u/NickMtz123
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    Help Me. Is 2K paying for "essay bots" to hide negative criticism of the 2K21 Trialer?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    6’5” SG Perimeter Lockdown, What Do You Think?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    Myteam pornography

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Hi 2k community,

    I've played this game on and off for past few yrs. Usually in mycareer mode, this yr I started playing myteam. This mode I actually like a lot more, even though there is apparently no real matchmaking, it's still fun to level up a crew.

    But, what I have come to notice is that some myteam players, usually the ones that also have a max squad, actually have porno images on their court display or jerseys.

    Why do they do this and why is this acceptable?

    I'm a grown man, but I'm sure there are children playing, and besides, I want to play a basketball game not look at crap.

    Just posting this because I googled the same and didn't see any discussion about this. I find it ironic that 2k let's this user generated trash exist in their stellar game.

    submitted by /u/kiltzbellos
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    Looks like SF is the best position for Blue/Yellow

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Dear NBA2k : Bring Back Pass-Fake Layups

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I remember in 2k17 if you equipped Rajon Rondo layup package, you could get the pass fake layup. Though it was only baseline, it would be nice to be able to get that as a possible animation no matter where you are driving from on the court.

    If this is in the game, and I just don't know. Excuse my ignorance. Also drop the tutorial on how to do it if it is

    submitted by /u/Oshuah
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    Sooooo...what if next gen ISN’T that different? I don’t trust Mike Wang or Ronnie 2k when they say “it’s gonna be a whole different game”

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    So literally millions of people have the attitude of: "Nahh ps4 2k21 looks trash (it does), next gen gonna be bomb tho ayyy let's go."

    But doesn't this all just stem from like TWO sentences?? Mike saying "expect a lot of changes" in the 2k20 podcast thing and then Ronnie tweeting that it's not gonna be the same game. Isn't he the guy that said "2k20 is not the same park from 2k19 guys."

    GENUINELY CURIOUS...why do you guys believe them? Literally nothing matters to 2k besides money. I for one foresee us being dissappointed but hoping for the best.

    submitted by /u/ClassicMacnCheese
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    Am I the only one that loves the 2K demo?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    I was the biggest skeptic about 2k21 after playing 2k20 for a year. It's by far the worst 2k to me. I've been playing since the original on Dreamcast. And 2k20 was even worse than 18 and that's saying a lot.

    I figured they would just release the same game. And they kind of did. But it's better. Admittedly, the new game is a $60 patch but they've seemingly improved a lot gameplay wise. Every time I play the game I like it more. If I miss a shot I feel like it's my fault.

    The shot meter is unforgiving but fair. Which can be said about the rest of the gameplay. No more blocking the cpu just for them to get the rebound and get an easy bucket. The gameplay is smoother. Defense is better. Transition offense and defense has been vastly improved.

    I cant just run to the rim every play. When the computer scores and makes a great move to get to the basket I find myself congratulating it instead of cursing it for having to cheat to score like last year. Animation switching seems to be gone. The AI has been improved on both sides of the ball. It's a challenge even in the games where Ive beat the computer by 20 because I felt like they could make a run at anytime.

    Far less CPU cheese. (even on the lower difficulty which I assume is all star) I don't care about the features like MyCareer or the Park. Those come second to gameplay. And I love this gameplay so far. Now the only thing is will 2k keep it like this or will they fold and nerf the game due to the casuals who complain about the game being too hard every year?

    submitted by /u/S7c0q2
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    A small gripe is my biggest issue

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    So my last post got a conversation going... mostly questioning my choice in music. So I figured I would just go ahead and leave this next post here.

    2KTV feels kinda forced. Like there's no legit passion for what they're supposed to be talking about in what's essentially an irremovable infomercial. They only people I can tell are showing some legit emotion are the sellouts--sorry--guests!

    I just don't feel the passion from 2KTV. If you want to peddle your wares and get people to spend the time to watch you, act a bit more... interested. Don't act like you're on 60 minutes or Good Morning America, just... Show some legit excitement for what you're telling us. Maybe that way, people won't just stick around for a chance at extra VC.

    Anyways, that's all that's on my mind...

    submitted by /u/taggerungDC
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    6’8” SG Pure Lock looking scary ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:10 PM PDT

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